Saturday, January 5, 2008

Once a drunk, always a drunk.

I don't really give a shit what Lindsay Lohan does. I find it humorous that you're in the limelight, yet you can't realize that it's a terribly bad idea to swig champagne when you're like two months sober (probably not).

Lindsay Lohan, who gives Long Islanders a bad fucking name, was seen swigging Champagne from a bottle on New Years Eve in Italy. First of all, I don't give a fuckall about this, but seriously Italy on New Years? Fuck you, you cunt-bag whore. If you're celebrating New Years, you do this in the US of Fucking A. Not to say that Foreigners aren't allowed to celebrate New Years or New Years Eve, but it's so fucking cliche for a Hollywood Princess to be celebrating shit like this in a country where she's not libel to get caught drinking like a fucking pirate.

Fuck you Lindsay Lohan, and fuck you Dina Lohan. An abortion would've been nice.

Other titles for this post included:

Fuck you Lindsay Lohan, and fuck you Dina Lohan.
An Abortion Would've Been Nice.
"I know who killed me" sucked a black cock.
Once you've gone drunk, you forget the rest of whatever it is you were doing.
Lindsay Lohan dies in plane crash!
Etc, Etc, Etc.

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