Saturday, January 19, 2008


I've been talking about this movie for almost a year now. Every since I saw the trailer way back when, I was intrigued. I honestly didn't know what to expect, I wanted to be awed, I wanted to see it again and again.

Firstly, they showed a Star Trek trailer before this flick, the new Star Trek directed by JJ Abrams, and starring John Cho, Chris Pine, Eric Bana, Winona Ryder, Karl Urban, Bruce Greenwood, Zoe Saldana, etc. They don't show anyone, but I understand why they're doing this movie. I understand that the original series came out in 1966 and anyone born from 1980 and beyond thinks it's the lack-luster Star Wars ...well..this is going to revamp that. This flick is going to start a whole new saga for people, it's going to reinvent these characters: Captain Kirk and Spock for people like me and people who have never seen the original series. I will be there in December to see this flick. I trust Abrams and his new cast - who seem eager - to do the show/flicks justice. it's Cloverfield time.

To start this off, I want to say that I saw the Matthew Broderick-starrer Godzilla in the theater when it came out, with my buddy Los. I knew then, that it wasn't the best movie I have ever seen. It was a flashy, start studded affair, with lots of fantastic visuals and a giant copied monster.

To everyone who goes to see this flick.

This is our Godzilla.

In the modern age of technology, in the age of the Blair Witch Project, this is what we needed. It's a change of pace to see the destruction through someone's eyes. We need realism, and this is what is delivered to us by director Matt Reeves and producer JJ Abrams. I personally enjoyed the shit out of this flick, I truly did. My brother loved it. It was a fantastic movie, and they stayed true to what they wanted to do. Never did they waiver from the handi-cam. Never did they change points of view (Well they did...but I won't get into that) or switch to a regular camera. If they were seeing this, we were seeing this. Even if that meant the other parts of the tape...

The tape which is used to tape the going away party of Robert Hawkins, was a tape Robert used to tape a morning he spent with Beth McIntyre. He finds this out, he's annoyed, but ultimately gets over it. What happens through out the course of the flick when the recording stops, we see snippets of this morning. We see them happy and at Coney Island. And in my opinion adds so much to the movie.

The overall action of the flick is tremendous. God, if this were to actually happen, what the fuck would we do? I've been saying exactly what my plans are: to get batshit crazy drunk and fight the sumbitch head on. Not the smartest plan, but when death is subsequently the final outcome, what are you going to do? The monster is nothing like Godzilla at all. I mean, aside from the fact that it's a giant, creepy, gargantuan monster. I'm not even going to look for a picture of it; it was crazy looking and when you were reading things about it months ago, about things splitting off of it...they weren't lying.

I was talking with Marc about this one day, about when you go to the movie you want to either be entertained or believe in what you're watching. Believing in something, doesn't mean you're actually believing what you're watching. That doesn't make sense, but what I mean is that you don't have to believe in what's happening. You just have to believe in the directors/producers ability to give it to you. Did they give you the best possible display in order to make you believe in their work and not laugh about it afterward?

With Cloverfield I got that. I totally believed this was happening (obviously it wasn't), it felt real, nothing about the filming of this was fake. It was substantially one of the most realistic films I've seen in years. Everything felt right within the movie, everything eratic, everything scary, everyone within the movie in a state of disbelief, while everyone in the theater was thinking (and they may not admit it) "What if this actually happened?"

I'd get drunk and fight the big fucking monster, and pretty much die immediately.

Cloverfield lived up to the hype.

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