Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mitchell Report 2: The List...or most of it.

Alright, so I just read...(skimmed through) the Mitchell Report it's pretty much a boring reiteration of what we already know. Steroids are bad. I sat here for a good hour getting names (it's boring as fuck today, it's shitty out) and I came up with this list. I'll number them.

Bold guys are still playing (or were in Roger Clemens' case)

1. Manny Alexander
2. Juan Gonzalez
3. Benito Santiago
4. Armando Rios
5. Randy Velarde
6. Fernando Vina
7. Roger Clemens
8. Andy Pettite
9. Lenny Dykstra
10. Brian Roberts
11. Todd Hundley
12. Mark Carreon
13. Hal Morris
14. Rondelle White
15. Chuck Knoblauch
16. Gregg Zaun
17. David Justice
18. FP Santangelo
19. Glenallen Hill
20. Mo Vaugn
21. Denny Neagle
22. Ron Villone
23. Ryan Franklin
24. Todd Pratt
25. Kevin Young
26. Mike Lansing
27. Kent Merker
28. Mike Stanton
29. Jerry Hairston Jr.
30. Paul LoDuca
31. Kevin Brown
32. Erik Gagne
33. Mike Bell
34. Nook Logan
35. Rick Ankiel
36. David Bell
37. Troy Glaus
38. John Rocker
39. Scott Shoenweiss
40. Matt Williams

Two Words: Holy Fuck.

First of all I didn't add: Bonds, Sheffield, Tejada, Giambi, Jason Grimsley, etc.

This is going to cause some really big fallout; and to be shocked that Nook Logan took steroids, and Brian Roberts is on this list, and Troy Glaus. . . Holy shit.

This is the Mitchell Report!


Bryan said...

Hey.. when you doing your next show?

JD said...

Next show will be Sunday December 16th at 10pm EST