Friday, December 14, 2007

The Mitchell List Part 3: The Fallout

Not only are people saying that the Mitchell Report (pronounced Re-pour) is basically hearsay, and that the list is a lie. Whatever. Baseball players used steroids. Roger Clemens got his ass shot up ...literally, with 'roids, or HGH, or something to help him heal. Who knows what the real deal is here? Clemens is no longer playing baseball, so it doesn't matter. Guys like Glaus, Nook Logan, and Andy Pettite are playing, so what's the fallout going to be?

Troy Glaus: The fallout is simple, he's going to get hurt again. It's not a huge shock that Troy Glaus took steroids. He was hurt...a million and two times, so, it's pretty much obvious.

Nook Logan: When I saw this, I was in shock. Nook Logan is a shitty, shitty baseball player. He's awful. I mean, the Nationals need a guy like Logan who's fairly fast, and can play a decent CF, but at what cost to their reputation?

Andy Pettitte: Who the hell knows? I mean, Andy Pettitte hasn't pitched well since 2005 when he had an ERA of 2.39. I skimmed through the Mitchell Report I didn't read it word for word, so I don't know when Pettitte took steroids, or healed himself or anything like that. I know that there's not going to be any immediate problems, but the fans are going to be...relentless.

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