Thursday, September 25, 2008

HCOTW Theron thinks The Hills is a piece of shit, and so do I!

The Hills is a show on MTV (which stands for Music Television...what the fuck?) and it follows LC (Lauren Conrad) and a band of merry nitwits as they trek across California's beautiful landscape in search of fame and fortune. 

That's actually not a bad premise if it was a scripted show. As it stands, it is not. The show is a piece of shit, that's supposedly reality television. Funny thing though, Charlize Theron, last weeks Hot Chick O' The Week, thinks The Hills is a piece of shit. I do as well. I think the show is very very bad. I think it's a waste of money to keep throwing these douches out there on TV every Monday and expecting fireworks. Heidi Montag got a career...out of it. I ...guess. I don't know if I'd consider this:
And realize that Heidi Montag only gets to make music, because of this dimwit infested show. 

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