Friday, September 26, 2008

"Buffy" wants a new show.

Sarah Michelle Gellar wants to come back to TV and she's getting a chance to do just that with a show called "The Wonderful Maladys" which:

Set in Gotham, "The Wonderful Maladys" ensembler revolves around the dysfunctional lives of three adult siblings who lost their parents at a young age.

The show is going to be on HBO (if it gets picked up and all that. I remember a show called..."Manchild" that didn't get picked up...starring K. Smith) and will be penned by the guy who penned The Life of David Gale and The Interpreter his name? Charles Randolph. Randolph had a failed attempt at a TV back in 2001, which ironically starred original-Buffy Kristy Swanson.

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