Monday, August 11, 2008

Journeyman stuff.

As you may or may not know, I was a huge fan of NBC's shortlived Journeyman series. I thought it was great, and Kevin Falls did a great job with the ideas and such. I thought Kevin McKidd did a great job in the lead role of Dan Vasser and Moon Bloodgood was fantastically hot in her role as Livia. It was about time travel and it's unfortunate that it was, because if people don't understand something they turn the channel. I loved the show. It had a Quantum Leap type of feel to it (or even Back to the Future if you will). Quantum Leap was about time travel, but it also had a personal feel to it, but Sam never had a place where he was just normal he was always leaping into the next spot and it was never ending and exhausting. Journeyman was different because Vasser had a family, he went home and albeit he didn't stay there long, he always had a home to go to. Sam just endlessly went on traveling through time, and solving problems that weren't necessarily his concern hoping that the next leap would be his leap home.

Did that give you douche chills? Yeah, me too.

Anyway, Sam Beckett aside, Dan Vasser was a great character, but horrible fake-American Accent Kevin McKidd has. He was fantasic on Rome and because of that, I gave Journeyman a shot, and I fell in love. Too bad, the rest of the population and critics crucified it on the first shot.

Anyway, the point of this was that Kevin Falls did a little Q&A with AICN, and it's a great read, so check it out.

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