Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hot Chick O' The Week #11 Vol. 2

Usually the hot chick of the week will be based on something that happened this week (and maybe by the end of this, it my still be), but I can't bring myself to make Amy Adams the hot chick of the week.

Nothing against Amy Adams (or her creepy eyes and smile), but I just don't find you that attractive. I've seen a bunch of your flicks (even the one you went bare-assed in) and even saw you brace-faced in Catch Me if you Can. Still, I can't do it, you're a funny looking lady, who also is sensibly decent looking. Notice: I never said she was ugly. There's just something about her and I can't really put my finger on it.

Anyway, the Hot Chick of the Week will be Emily Browning (oh shit, a weekly tie in) of Sucker Punch who looks really hot as a blonde ass-kicker, but not so hot as a short-haired brunette at any premieres.

Oh well.

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