Wednesday, June 4, 2008

He can't get the Joba done...

Joba Chamberlain made his first Major League start last night against the Toronto Blue Jays, he didn't last long, only 2 and a 1/3, and gave up only 1 hit, 4 walks, struck out 3, and gave up 1 Earned Run. In these 2 and a 1/3 he seemed to use his overbearing stuff at an alarming rate. He threw 62 pitches through in the 2.1 IP, only 32 of them for strikes.

When Joba Chamberlain comes into the game from the bullpen he seems like he's on fire. He seemed nervous, very nervous. Maybe if they would've let him throw a 100 pitches he would've settled down and struck out a few more, and maybe he would've lasted a couple more innings. He was wild, his fastball did reach 95, but they were all over the place, literally.

Chamberlain will be fine. This is his first start, don't dump him just yet. Not to mention he was going against Doc Halladay.

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