Monday, July 7, 2008

Mark Millar wants to reinvent Superman?

Okay. Fine. Wanted was a success, but I'll tell you wasn't what the book was. I didn't see the flick, but what I've been told is that it's nothing like the book, not as hardcore as the book. The TPD was life changing, is life changing, it has a story deep with in it that makes you really start to wonder. That's what Wanted is all about. 

Now that Mark Millar's head is the size of a car tire, he wants to go with his plan of reinventing Superman for the 21st Century. I know that Singer's Superman was no match in comparison to Spider-Man or X-Men or Batman Begins or anything like that. Shit, I wouldn't even let them make a sequel at this point. That story was downright terrible, bring in Doomsday, let Supes die, let him come back and save the day. That's what Superman is all about, about hope and about life. That's what Spider-Man had going for them. It was at a time when 9/11 happened and the world needed a hero and we were given one in the form of a blue and red spandexed hero. Superman should've been the one to hold that crown, but money hungry shit-heads in the film biz were too busy fighting over money, and story lines (giant spiders anyone?) to get the job done. 

All this and I love Spider-Man. I love the character, I love the story, I love the origin, I love the fact that he's torn (or was torn) between two lives. Superman in the comics always had an easy go of hiding his identity, it just never seemed to be a problem. Parker had a day job, Parker had a girlfriend or a wife, and an Aunt. He just had to hide his miraculous power from everyone. Superman/Clark Kent is like a robot, no emotion. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the character of Clark Kent/Superman, but it's too obvious. It's always been obvious, and that's kind of the point. 

If Mark Millar is going to come out and rewrite Superman and bring us a story that we want to see/hear/read, then by all means, go forth with your mission, because ever since Superman (1978) there hasn't been any Superman flick worth a damn. 

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