Thursday, February 28, 2008

When Robots Attack...Part I.

No, this isn't about The Terminator it would be cool if it was, but it's not. It's about an article I read (barely skimmed) about "Experts Warn of Robotic Terrorism."


Seriously, we have enough to worry about. Guys flying planes into buildings, fucking chemical warfare. Now, Now I have to worry about God Damn robots?

Fuck you guys.

Again. I don't understand why I have to be warned about this, I'd rather it just happened and be pissed that no one warned us. Richard Starkey, a supposed scientist said:

"It is very easy to go to the Internet ... or go down to the scrapyard and put a robot together," Starkey said. "You don't need (it) to last long if you want to explode it among a civilian population."

Uh. I don't know about anyone else who wasn't in the Robot Building Club in High School, but I cannot build a robot. I can't go down to the local scrap yard and find a T3000 laying there with it's beady little read eyes, ready to be programmed to kill. I want to see a show of hands? How many people can build a robot from scrap?

No, you can't just put tinfoil on your dog and call it a robot, it doesn't work that way. Be that as it may - the threat of robot terrorism is real. They're going to swoop in and steal all your nuts and bolts, and then probably your women, because...

and this is where the good stuff comes in...

It's all about sexual terrorism.

Love and Sex with Robots is a book about the Evolution of the Human-Robot Relationship; it's written by David Levy. I haven't read it, but I'm considering reading what has to be the most bat-shit crazy insane book ever. This guy really truly believes that humans are going to have sex with robots; he was on The Colbert Report and even Stephen Colbert couldn't keep a straight face. Apparently Levy says in the book that we're going to have sex with robots within in 5 years (Awesome) and fall in love with them within 40 years (Not so much awesome as it is ....fucking crazy).

I don't know about you guys, but the closest I've come to loving a machine is my new Blackjack II; it's fantastic, but it's truly a innocent relationship.

Check out the original and a YouTube video featuring this guy David "Bat-Shit-Crazy-Insane" Levy.

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