Monday, February 25, 2008

No Country For Old Men wins Best Ppicture

Not only did I not believe that No Country for Old Men was going to win. I believed that Atonement was going to win, mainly because it won every other Best Picture Award.

Best Actor went to Daniel Day Lewis for There Will Be Blood a flick that I haven't had the pleasure of watching yet.

Best Actress Marion Cotillard won for the flick La Mome

Best Supporting Actor went to the most deserving person the ballot Javier Bardem for No Country for Old Men.

Best Supporting Actress went to Tilda Swinton (and deservingly so) for Michael Clayton.

Best Achievement in Directing went to The Coen Bros. for No Country For Old Men, which was deservedly so.

Best Writing of original screenplay goes to Juno scribe Diablo Cody.

Best Writing of a screenplay based on a previously published work goes to No Country for Old Men.

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