The First thing is that Cameron Crowe has a new project. I don't know what it is, but: CAMERON CROWE HAS A NEW FUCKING PROJECT.
Also the final one-sheet (that's a poster people) has landed for Southland Tales. Now, this flick has been ...held back for-fucking-ever. No joke. The poster looks serious as hell, but it stars Dwanye "The Rock" Johnson, Seann William Scott, Sarah Michelle Gellar (looking hot on the poster even if it is just half her face), Mandy Moore, Jon Lovitz, Kevin Smith, Cheri Oteri, and among others, Justin Timberlake...who may or not be on the poster there...I'm not sure. Regardless, I've got a plot outline for you, and if you liked Donnie Darko you may very well love this flick. I mean, it just sounds fucking intriguing. Anyway, here it is.:
California is at the epicenter of a political and environmental disaster that threatens to destroy the world in this ambitious fusion of comedy, drama, dystopia science fiction, and music. In the year 2005, a nuclear attack wipes out part of the state of Texas, and three years later America is a virtual police state, with the government taking control of nearly every part of people's lives, supposedly for their own good. A German firm has found a way to generate energy using seawater, but both public and private concerns are desperate to prevent the new technology from being introduced in the gasoline-starved United States. A Marxist underground based on the West Coast is determined to bring down the federal government through violent revolution. In this midst of this chaos, we follow a number of stories that continually return to three principle characters. Boxer Santaros (The Rock) is an actor famous for his role in action films; he's trying to secure financing for a new project, but reality keeps mirroring the events in his script and he struggles to hold on to his identity following a bout with amnesia. Krysta Now (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is a porn star (yay) who is reinventing herself as a television pundit offering her views on politics, contemporary culture, and teenage sex. And Roland Taverner (Seann William Scott) is an L.A. police officer whose identity has mysteriously split in two and he struggles to track down his other half.
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