Famous Swedish director, who directed The Seventh Seal died today. Weird.
Anywho, it's time to head over to blogtalkradio.com/marcandjd and listen to the "Marc and JD Radio Show." I have aspirations of being famously on the radio in ...about thirty-five years, so therefore if you listen now, you can say you knew me when.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Young kids aren't dumb....they know that liquor is quicker!
Thank you Center for Disease Control and their Morbidity and Mortality report for this blurb of information:
The CDC studied high schoolers in Nebraska, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Wyoming, and found the following:
In all four states, liquor was the most prevalent type of alcoholic beverage usually consumed among students who reported current alcohol use, ranging from 34.1% in Nebraska to 44.7% in Arkansas. The second most prevalent type of alcohol usually consumed was either beer or malt beverages (beer in Nebraska, malt beverages in Arkansas, and beer and malt beverages nearly equally in New Mexico and Wyoming). Wine was the least prevalent type of alcohol usually consumed in all four states, ranging from 1.6% in Arkansas and Wyoming to 3.1% in New Mexico.
The CDC has two common-sense explanations for liquor's popularity: it gets teens drunk faster, and it can be mixed with "other beverages such as soft drinks."No more shitty Natty Light for these kids! Have a whiskey sour on me, ladies and gents.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Match.com's shitty online ad's.
Not that I need to use online dating services, because I don't, however, I find the online ads for "Match.com" hilarious. There are a lot of them running on MySpace.com nowadays, and when I frequently visit the Marc and JD Radio Show MySpace I am bombarded with ridiculous ads for Match.com.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're off your gord, because they're staring you in the face. For example:
There is a blog girl, sitting in front of a webcam, pretending to talk to someone, smiling and laughing, and ultimately it looks like she's going to shit herself. She's got this enormous vein in her forehead, seriously, she's attractive, but that vein...holy shit...the creepiest fucking thing I've seen in...possibly forever.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're off your gord, because they're staring you in the face. For example:
There is a blog girl, sitting in front of a webcam, pretending to talk to someone, smiling and laughing, and ultimately it looks like she's going to shit herself. She's got this enormous vein in her forehead, seriously, she's attractive, but that vein...holy shit...the creepiest fucking thing I've seen in...possibly forever.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Rednecks are stupid as fuck.
First of all this is a conversation I had with a guy today over a microphone that we had on the shelf, but no longer carry. Therefore, the box was thrown away, and I had no quantity, therefore I couldn't sell it.
Customer: So, if I buy this one, what can you do for me?
JD: I can't do anything for you. I'm not allowed to sell this.
Customer: What if I buy this one-here, can you do anything for me?
JD: Sir, I can't change the price of anything for you.
Customer: I'll take this one, can I get the windshield for free.
JD: No you can't.
Customer: Why not?
JD: Because I can't give you anything, or change the price of anything.
Customer: I'm not shopping at this anymore.
JD: I don't care, suit yourself.
Now, I didn't do it word for word, because this guy was so tanked it made a kid with downsyndrome look intelligent and chipper. For example, his second line went kind of like this: "Whatifibuysthisone, cunigitsomethin'fo'free?" and I was flabbergasted that this guys friend who was drunk on sobriety, would let this assjockey leave the house.
Bah. Fucking asshole.
Customer: So, if I buy this one, what can you do for me?
JD: I can't do anything for you. I'm not allowed to sell this.
Customer: What if I buy this one-here, can you do anything for me?
JD: Sir, I can't change the price of anything for you.
Customer: I'll take this one, can I get the windshield for free.
JD: No you can't.
Customer: Why not?
JD: Because I can't give you anything, or change the price of anything.
Customer: I'm not shopping at this
JD: I don't care, suit yourself.
Now, I didn't do it word for word, because this guy was so tanked it made a kid with downsyndrome look intelligent and chipper. For example, his second line went kind of like this: "Whatifibuysthisone, cunigitsomethin'fo'free?" and I was flabbergasted that this guys friend who was drunk on sobriety, would let this assjockey leave the house.
Bah. Fucking asshole.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Darjeeling Limited
Wes Anderson, a favorite of Marc and JD's Blog of Awesomeness for his flicks "Life Aquatic" and "The Royal Tenenbaums" has a new film coming out starring the likes of Jason Schwartzman, Adrien Brody, and Owen Wilson. It looks pretty fantastic, and you should check out the trailer, here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Lindsay Lohan is an IDIOT!
Yeah, I fucking said it. Jesus Fucking Christ. I mean, come-thefuck-on. Think about what you're doing when you get pulled over under suspicion of driving while intoxicated, and cocaine possession. All this, whilst just completing a 45-day rehab session! You fucking...and I'm sorry about this...cunt.

Fuck you, Lindsay Lohan, you give Long Island a bad name.
And once again, I'm sorry about the "C" word. I just..had too.

Fuck you, Lindsay Lohan, you give Long Island a bad name.
And once again, I'm sorry about the "C" word. I just..had too.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Idiots at baseball games
I hate people who eat popcorn at the ballpark. This isnt a movie theatre dumbass, eat some crackerjacks or a hot dog.
Fuck the heck!?
I can't even comprehend some stupid shit that people do. And why? Because two fucking idiots got caught trying to smuggle 870 tortoises (turtles) to Malaysia. Fucking Christ. Seriously. The turtles go for about $15,000 a piece, or $15,000 for all of them maybe, who knows? Yahoo!'s article with highly retarded with a slight chance of ridiculous. They were caught in India - and were arrested or deported. Who cares? They deserve to get kicked in the shins by nuns for eternity. God.
fuck the heck,
stupid assholes,
Monday, July 23, 2007
Alright, so I was just watching that Bryant Gumbal show that graces HBO's lineup on Sundays, and/or whenever it is they show it. I was watching, and their female correspondent was interviewing Gary Sheffield. Sheffield, as you may or may not know, is a Major League Baseball player who has played for the Brewers, Padres, Braves, Yankees and more currently the Detroit Tigers. He has admitted to putting something on his tongue (not penis) and rubbing a cream on his leg. He says that since it didn't work for him, that he never used steroids.
Now, I know that there are different forms of steroids or performance enhancing drugs. I understand that Barry Bonds went from twig to ginormous tree in the span of three seasons all by rubbing a little HGH or whatever on his body. Sheffield basically threatens baseball when he says that no one understands who is taking 'roids. If everyone who was taking steroids was abruptly caught or taken from baseball Sheffield's understanding is that baseball would be "dead."
It's my own personal belief that Sheffield is crazier than Tom Cruise. Maybe he and Tom can get together and talk about random shit that makes no sense. At least Bonds came out and said that he rubbed shit on himself. He may have said that he didn't know what it was, but that's horseshit. He knew, and he was smart enough to say "I didn't know what it was" he used performance enhancing drugs, because of the attention it got McGwire and Sosa back in '98 when the Home Run Challenge of Maris' record went on. He was pissed, because he had one of his best non-steroid years and no one gave a shit. Bonds is the way Bonds is, because people put their blinders on when Big Mac and Sosa were jacking 70+ HRs and obviously using steroids to do so. Now, Bonds is under scrutiny because he was caught - here's a fucking news flash people - Big Mac was caught too. The red-headed moron was stupid enough to leave the shit in his locker where everyone could see it.
Basically my point is that Bonds deserves some recognition for what he's doing. There's no doubt he's doing it on 'roids, but he's hitting a small ball, with a small stick, and making it go a long way.
I'm not denoting the fact that steroids are bad, I'm denoting the fact that people are just now making Bonds out to be the bad guy. Sure, he's a dick, but he's a dick who's going to have the most HR's in history very soon.
I will write more about this. It is, however, 4am, so I gotta get to sleep. And by sleep I mean read "Game of Shadows."
Also, I haven't read it yet, but I heard "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens is a damn good book, worthy of a read. Check out a small exerpt here.
Now, I know that there are different forms of steroids or performance enhancing drugs. I understand that Barry Bonds went from twig to ginormous tree in the span of three seasons all by rubbing a little HGH or whatever on his body. Sheffield basically threatens baseball when he says that no one understands who is taking 'roids. If everyone who was taking steroids was abruptly caught or taken from baseball Sheffield's understanding is that baseball would be "dead."
It's my own personal belief that Sheffield is crazier than Tom Cruise. Maybe he and Tom can get together and talk about random shit that makes no sense. At least Bonds came out and said that he rubbed shit on himself. He may have said that he didn't know what it was, but that's horseshit. He knew, and he was smart enough to say "I didn't know what it was" he used performance enhancing drugs, because of the attention it got McGwire and Sosa back in '98 when the Home Run Challenge of Maris' record went on. He was pissed, because he had one of his best non-steroid years and no one gave a shit. Bonds is the way Bonds is, because people put their blinders on when Big Mac and Sosa were jacking 70+ HRs and obviously using steroids to do so. Now, Bonds is under scrutiny because he was caught - here's a fucking news flash people - Big Mac was caught too. The red-headed moron was stupid enough to leave the shit in his locker where everyone could see it.
Basically my point is that Bonds deserves some recognition for what he's doing. There's no doubt he's doing it on 'roids, but he's hitting a small ball, with a small stick, and making it go a long way.
I'm not denoting the fact that steroids are bad, I'm denoting the fact that people are just now making Bonds out to be the bad guy. Sure, he's a dick, but he's a dick who's going to have the most HR's in history very soon.
I will write more about this. It is, however, 4am, so I gotta get to sleep. And by sleep I mean read "Game of Shadows."
Also, I haven't read it yet, but I heard "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens is a damn good book, worthy of a read. Check out a small exerpt here.
Good good, write that down.
Jewish and I are going to the Comic-Con next year. It's written in fucking STONE..or in permanent marker upon my brother Dan-O's head. Anyway, we're going. Fuck the haters who say otherwise. I want to get my shit signed by nobodies that only I know.
Yeah, boy.
Yeah, boy.
The Adventure of Marc in the City: The Concert Edition
I hate the city. For those of you who don't know, I'm referring to New York City. "But, Marc! How can you hate New York City!? It's the greatest city in the world!" I'll tell you why I hate the city. There too many people. I'm sure JD feels the same. We hate people...hence we hate large groups of people. But anyway, I do travel into the city on extremely infrequent occasions, with last Thursday being one of them. Myself, and 3 others went to go see Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake play at the Roseland Ballroom, marking the first time I ever went into the city to see a concert. Previously, I had said, :Where are they playing? Roseland Ballroom/Irving Plaza/whatever? Fuck that. I hate the city."
Needless to say, somehow I was talking into going. How that happened is beyond me, but alas we went. Rather than write a full, boring step by step story of what happened, instead I'm going to list a bunch of things that happened...and you all can piece it together.
1) A friend of mine throwing up on the train...on the way there. Too drunk too fast.
2) Another friend of mine FORGETTING HIS AND 2 OTHER PEOPLES TICKETS (not mine) and having to go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE TRAIN STATION and then BACK TO THE CITY.
3) Walking around the city with 2 very drunk people and 1 very not drunk person.
4) Walking into what I swear is the biggest McDonalds ever (it was 3 fucking floors!), just to use the bathroom.
5) Going into the Roseland, and starting to sweat my ass off as there must be like 10 thousand people inside and there is like no AC.
6) Reel Big Fish plays. Awesome. I notice a lot of lesbians are fans of ska music.
7) Less Than Jake plays. Awesome. They play a version of the price is right, with plinko!
8) Drama ensues between people who came with me. They leave during the Less Than Jake because they are fighting and making a scene. I don't care.
9) Me getting angry because I can't find anyone after the concert, so I say fuck it, let the drunks find their way back to Penn Station. I'm pretty sure they'll walk in the total opposite direction.
10) Me getting phone call, asking to meet up. I halfheartedly agree. We walk back to Penn Station.
11) Me realizing I am not drunk enough to deal with this shit.
12) We get home, despite losing our ride from the train station back to my car.
Such ends another day in the city, with the Marc.
Needless to say, somehow I was talking into going. How that happened is beyond me, but alas we went. Rather than write a full, boring step by step story of what happened, instead I'm going to list a bunch of things that happened...and you all can piece it together.
1) A friend of mine throwing up on the train...on the way there. Too drunk too fast.
2) Another friend of mine FORGETTING HIS AND 2 OTHER PEOPLES TICKETS (not mine) and having to go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE TRAIN STATION and then BACK TO THE CITY.
3) Walking around the city with 2 very drunk people and 1 very not drunk person.
4) Walking into what I swear is the biggest McDonalds ever (it was 3 fucking floors!), just to use the bathroom.
5) Going into the Roseland, and starting to sweat my ass off as there must be like 10 thousand people inside and there is like no AC.
6) Reel Big Fish plays. Awesome. I notice a lot of lesbians are fans of ska music.
7) Less Than Jake plays. Awesome. They play a version of the price is right, with plinko!
8) Drama ensues between people who came with me. They leave during the Less Than Jake because they are fighting and making a scene. I don't care.
9) Me getting angry because I can't find anyone after the concert, so I say fuck it, let the drunks find their way back to Penn Station. I'm pretty sure they'll walk in the total opposite direction.
10) Me getting phone call, asking to meet up. I halfheartedly agree. We walk back to Penn Station.
11) Me realizing I am not drunk enough to deal with this shit.
12) We get home, despite losing our ride from the train station back to my car.
Such ends another day in the city, with the Marc.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Black people hate me, cause I rhyme better.
Okay, maybe that's a lie. I don't know. I'm wasted right now on Tequila and Budlight, and feeling quite loopy after watching Dave Attell's Insomniac Vol. 1. Therefore, I don't know what I'm even doing right now! Fuck the heck!? Regardless, I would suggest that everyone go to their local Circuit City and buy Rooney Calling the World for the 6.99 that it's going for. It's a phenomenal album, and you should own it.
Listen to the Marc and JD Radio Show, LIVE..(most of the time) on www.blogtalkradio.com/marcandjd
Listen to the Marc and JD Radio Show, LIVE..(most of the time) on www.blogtalkradio.com/marcandjd
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Live Free or Die...fucking...Hard.
I've seen all of the Die Hard movies, I've been an enormous fan of Bruce Willis movies since I saw the Striking Distance with Willis playing a ...boat cop (?) who's banging Sarah Jessica Parker. And the whole Little Red Riding Hood thing, and the guy from Murphy Brown who's dead now, AND Dennis Farina.
Anyway, I saw Live Free or Die Hard tonight, with my Brother Dan-O, and I'll use a quote from him.."If they blew up a boat, they would've had everything covered." And that's basically a fact, because from an F-35 to a Helicopter to a Car to a Building shit was exploding. Not in a bad way, not like Michael Bay's overzealousness or something like that. It was Die Hard type of exploding. Like "Holy Shit, you killed a helicopter with a car" kind of shit. I mean, come on, who the fuck doesn't want to see Bruce Willis kicking some serious fucking ass. And the fantastically beautiful Mary-Elizabeth Winstead stealing scenes with Timothy Olyphant (who is awesome). And then, and only then, you get to The Warlock. The New Jersian son of a bitch, Kevin Smith. And you know what, the man can actually act. The very few scenes he had, he owned, and that's the God's Honest Truth. I'm not just saying that because I've got a man-crush on him, but the utter-seriousness of it all is, that he really held his own for the three-four minute scene with Bruce Willis and Justin Long (actual actors). Kevin Smith needs to act some more, because he's actually kinda good at it.
Seriously though, Mr. Smith, you should write a movie about a comic book nerd who falls in love with a lesbian who fights a massive shit-monster who works at a place with a cow as the figure head and then star in it.
Yeah, boy.
Anyway, I saw Live Free or Die Hard tonight, with my Brother Dan-O, and I'll use a quote from him.."If they blew up a boat, they would've had everything covered." And that's basically a fact, because from an F-35 to a Helicopter to a Car to a Building shit was exploding. Not in a bad way, not like Michael Bay's overzealousness or something like that. It was Die Hard type of exploding. Like "Holy Shit, you killed a helicopter with a car" kind of shit. I mean, come on, who the fuck doesn't want to see Bruce Willis kicking some serious fucking ass. And the fantastically beautiful Mary-Elizabeth Winstead stealing scenes with Timothy Olyphant (who is awesome). And then, and only then, you get to The Warlock. The New Jersian son of a bitch, Kevin Smith. And you know what, the man can actually act. The very few scenes he had, he owned, and that's the God's Honest Truth. I'm not just saying that because I've got a man-crush on him, but the utter-seriousness of it all is, that he really held his own for the three-four minute scene with Bruce Willis and Justin Long (actual actors). Kevin Smith needs to act some more, because he's actually kinda good at it.
Seriously though, Mr. Smith, you should write a movie about a comic book nerd who falls in love with a lesbian who fights a massive shit-monster who works at a place with a cow as the figure head and then star in it.
Yeah, boy.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Something Awesome
Hey everyone, just thought you'd want to see a trailer for Shoot 'Em Up, starring Paul Giamatti, Clive Owen, and Monica Belucci. It looks pretty damn good.
clive owen,
monica belucci,
paul giamatti,
Shoot 'em Up
A far cry.
Josh Hamilton might be my new favorite player. I'm not going to tell you why, just fucking read the article. Thanks to Marc for turning me onto this read.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Random Conversations about Crap
For those of you who want to see how big that new Subway sandwich is... here's the link
And rather than go into specifics...this is what I IMed to JD today.
And rather than go into specifics...this is what I IMed to JD today.
marc (1:13:51 AM) : i realized something today
marc(1:13:55 AM) : when it comes to spanish women
marc (1:13:58 AM) : there is no in-between
marc (1:14:03 AM) : they are either hot or ugly
marc(1:14:11 AM) : and like, redonkulusly hot
marc (1:14:15 AM) : or redonkulusly ugly
marc (1:16:25 AM) : and i also hate people who misspell the words "Awesome and Survey" and instead write "Awsome" and "Survery"
jd (1:28:05 AM) : Survery?
marc (1:28:09 AM) : SURVERY
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Just because...
Hello everyone, it's I, JD with a small little post to let everyone know what the fuck is going on in the lives of Marc and JD.
Over the past couple of days Marc has figured out a new way to bring our hit (and I mean rarely listened too) radio show back. The Marc and JD Radio Show ran off and on from 2003-2005, and within those time periods we had a great deal of fun. Lance kept up with his MLB Scoreboard update, Marc and JD did their Entertainment News, and then they bitched about things that were going on in their lives. Things that no one particular wanted to listen to, but did because there was nothing else to do.
Then JD moved to Pennsylvania and to be completely honest it's difficult to do a Radio Show when you live 400 miles away from your partner in crime. Granted, from time to time, JD still calls the occasional convienence store and tells the clerk he's on the recieving end of a contest that doesn't excist. In the past there was the 7-11 delivery guy who didn't really know what Christian Rock was..."Like Creed" "Creed sucks, I like Stryper."
Anyway, I don't want to bore you with the details. Just know, that the Marc and JD Radio Show has returned in the form of a BLOGCAST! Yes, usually it'll be a 45-60 min rant about things ranging from baseball to foreign women, but it'll be interesting and you should definitely be listening.
Either do it, or Lance'll pull a Benoit on you; fucker.
Over the past couple of days Marc has figured out a new way to bring our hit (and I mean rarely listened too) radio show back. The Marc and JD Radio Show ran off and on from 2003-2005, and within those time periods we had a great deal of fun. Lance kept up with his MLB Scoreboard update, Marc and JD did their Entertainment News, and then they bitched about things that were going on in their lives. Things that no one particular wanted to listen to, but did because there was nothing else to do.
Then JD moved to Pennsylvania and to be completely honest it's difficult to do a Radio Show when you live 400 miles away from your partner in crime. Granted, from time to time, JD still calls the occasional convienence store and tells the clerk he's on the recieving end of a contest that doesn't excist. In the past there was the 7-11 delivery guy who didn't really know what Christian Rock was..."Like Creed" "Creed sucks, I like Stryper."
Anyway, I don't want to bore you with the details. Just know, that the Marc and JD Radio Show has returned in the form of a BLOGCAST! Yes, usually it'll be a 45-60 min rant about things ranging from baseball to foreign women, but it'll be interesting and you should definitely be listening.
Either do it, or Lance'll pull a Benoit on you; fucker.
Lance Manload,
marc and jd radio show,
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The Five Most Useless Superpowers Ever!
Alright, so Cracked.com did a little article that you can see here whereas they name Telepathy, and Magnetism, and being able to eat Matter as worthless superpowers. JD disagrees with that. So does Lance Manload.
Lance: Yeah, I fucking do, but I'm busy leave me alone.
This conversation is happening right now, Lance Manload is on speakerphone at JD's house in Unfortunateland, PA.
JD: Lance, what do you think the most useless Superpower is?
Lance: X-Ray Vision. Just ask the bitch to take her clothes off. I'm busy call me back!
Lance would proceed to hang up, and leave me hanging here, but I'll call back in a minute. Anyway, my top five most useless superpowers would have to:
5. Rubberization. How this didn't make the Crack.com list is absurd. Come now, and think for a minute about fucking Mr. Fantastic, and Plastic Man. How useless are these two assclowns. Sure, they can mold themselves into shit, but who cares. I'm not so lazy that I can't get up and unlock the door. Rubberization is basically a lazy-man's tool, not a superhero's.
4. Controlling the Weather. Yes Storm, I'm talking about you. This is ridiculous, because it's highly unlikely. You might as well call Storm "Mother Nature" she basically floats in the air and makes a fucking tornado. In three movies, a cartoon, and comic books (granted, I don't read the X-Books) I've seen her powers used good once; And that was to shock Toad off a fucking railing.
3. Thing. "Clobberin' Time" it is not. Ben Grimm was cool before the space-radiation turned him into a big orange mass of stupid. Sure, he can smash shit, and sulk, and watch television, but he has to drink out of a garbage can.
2. The Iron Fist. Ha! Danny Rand is the most useless person on the planet, and I actually like his book. I think that Iron Fist is the dumbest character ever, and that's counting Bravestar. I mean, seriously, I've read his book for a while now, and I still don't fucking get it. Why can the other Iron Fist's use guns that glow and still be called Iron Fists. If he can hold shit and still use the power of the "Fist" why not just get a big fucking sledge hammer and sledge-hammer people to death.
1. The Lasso. I don't know about you, but a golden-fucking-lasso isn't going to compell me to justice. I'm going to lie, and lie, while I stare at Wonder Woman's boobs, and then I'm going to lie some more. Granted, the Lasso really isn't a power, it's more of a woman's handbag, but it's still fucking ridiculous. Just think back to the television show, and her invisible airplane, where basically she just floated through the air in a seated position. Jesus.
That's it! Granted, they're not all powers, I still think these are the five worst power/comic/shit ever. I don't know. That Invisible Plane thing still pisses me the hell off.
Yeah, it's my birthday. No, seriously.
P.S. Lance didn't pick up.
Lance: Yeah, I fucking do, but I'm busy leave me alone.
This conversation is happening right now, Lance Manload is on speakerphone at JD's house in Unfortunateland, PA.
JD: Lance, what do you think the most useless Superpower is?
Lance: X-Ray Vision. Just ask the bitch to take her clothes off. I'm busy call me back!
Lance would proceed to hang up, and leave me hanging here, but I'll call back in a minute. Anyway, my top five most useless superpowers would have to:
5. Rubberization. How this didn't make the Crack.com list is absurd. Come now, and think for a minute about fucking Mr. Fantastic, and Plastic Man. How useless are these two assclowns. Sure, they can mold themselves into shit, but who cares. I'm not so lazy that I can't get up and unlock the door. Rubberization is basically a lazy-man's tool, not a superhero's.
4. Controlling the Weather. Yes Storm, I'm talking about you. This is ridiculous, because it's highly unlikely. You might as well call Storm "Mother Nature" she basically floats in the air and makes a fucking tornado. In three movies, a cartoon, and comic books (granted, I don't read the X-Books) I've seen her powers used good once; And that was to shock Toad off a fucking railing.
3. Thing. "Clobberin' Time" it is not. Ben Grimm was cool before the space-radiation turned him into a big orange mass of stupid. Sure, he can smash shit, and sulk, and watch television, but he has to drink out of a garbage can.
2. The Iron Fist. Ha! Danny Rand is the most useless person on the planet, and I actually like his book. I think that Iron Fist is the dumbest character ever, and that's counting Bravestar. I mean, seriously, I've read his book for a while now, and I still don't fucking get it. Why can the other Iron Fist's use guns that glow and still be called Iron Fists. If he can hold shit and still use the power of the "Fist" why not just get a big fucking sledge hammer and sledge-hammer people to death.
1. The Lasso. I don't know about you, but a golden-fucking-lasso isn't going to compell me to justice. I'm going to lie, and lie, while I stare at Wonder Woman's boobs, and then I'm going to lie some more. Granted, the Lasso really isn't a power, it's more of a woman's handbag, but it's still fucking ridiculous. Just think back to the television show, and her invisible airplane, where basically she just floated through the air in a seated position. Jesus.
That's it! Granted, they're not all powers, I still think these are the five worst power/comic/shit ever. I don't know. That Invisible Plane thing still pisses me the hell off.
Yeah, it's my birthday. No, seriously.
P.S. Lance didn't pick up.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Do you have that relative that gives you presents for every holiday, no matter how inconsequential? Sure you do. Every has that relative. Or some variation of that relative. "Hey, an Arbor Day present! Awesome!" Most of the time, its not even a present, but like a card. Because we all need to have cards for awesome "Holidays" such as Earth Day, or Flag Day or my personal favorite, Groundhog Day.
Not to go on a side note... but while researching this topic, I found this list of ACTUAL RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS:
Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day (First Saturday after Labor Day) - observed in the United States to encourage nationwide citizen participation in the cleanup of federal lands.
Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17th) - recognizes the ratification of the United States Constitution. It is observed on September 17, the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787. The law establishing the holiday was created in 2004 with the passage of an amendment by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004. Before this law was enacted, the holiday was known as "Citizenship Day". In addition to renaming the holiday "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day," the act mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day.
National Day of Prayer (1st Thursday in May) - a day when all Americans regardless of faith are asked to come together and pray in their own way.
White Cane Safety Day (October 15th) - celebrates the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired and the important symbol of blindness and tool of independence, the white cane
Law Day & Loyalty Day (May 1st, these are TWO different "holidays" ) - On May 1 the United States celebrates Law Day, U.S.A.. It is meant to reflect on the role of law in the foundation of the country and to recognize its importance for society. Loyalty Day is observed on May 1 in the United States. It is a day set aside for the reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States and for the recognition of the heritage of American freedom.
Leif Erikson Day (October 9th) - Leif Erikson Day is a United States observance occurring on October 9. It honors Leif Erikson, who led the first Europeans known to have set foot on North American soil.
I swear I'm not making this shit up...I found all this info online.
So the next time you get a shitty present or a stupid card...remind your idiot relative they missed a few holidays.
Not to go on a side note... but while researching this topic, I found this list of ACTUAL RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS:
Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day (First Saturday after Labor Day) - observed in the United States to encourage nationwide citizen participation in the cleanup of federal lands.
Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17th) - recognizes the ratification of the United States Constitution. It is observed on September 17, the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787. The law establishing the holiday was created in 2004 with the passage of an amendment by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004. Before this law was enacted, the holiday was known as "Citizenship Day". In addition to renaming the holiday "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day," the act mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day.
National Day of Prayer (1st Thursday in May) - a day when all Americans regardless of faith are asked to come together and pray in their own way.
White Cane Safety Day (October 15th) - celebrates the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired and the important symbol of blindness and tool of independence, the white cane
Law Day & Loyalty Day (May 1st, these are TWO different "holidays" ) - On May 1 the United States celebrates Law Day, U.S.A.. It is meant to reflect on the role of law in the foundation of the country and to recognize its importance for society. Loyalty Day is observed on May 1 in the United States. It is a day set aside for the reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States and for the recognition of the heritage of American freedom.
Leif Erikson Day (October 9th) - Leif Erikson Day is a United States observance occurring on October 9. It honors Leif Erikson, who led the first Europeans known to have set foot on North American soil.
I swear I'm not making this shit up...I found all this info online.
So the next time you get a shitty present or a stupid card...remind your idiot relative they missed a few holidays.
Friday, July 6, 2007
This whole Cloverfield deal.
Alright, JJ Abrams is producing a new flick. Currently the flick is being called Cloverfield which isn't a bad title regardless of the flick. However, I saw the teaser-trailer for the first time tonight in front of Transformers (which I won't review; sorry), and I am seriously fucking intrigued by it. It seems like it'll be an entirely different take on the entire "disaster" flick. It seems to have a monster of some sort attacking New York City, initially people think it's an Earthquake, then in the distance you see something attacking a building. People are scurrying down a flight of stairs, nearly falling, and pour out onto the street where they stand and watch as something seriously attacks more buildings. Then, and only then, the head of the Statue of Liberty comes tumbling down the street. When I saw that JJ Abrams was producing (it flashed during the trailer) I knew exactly what it was. My brother asked me, and I said "It's this flick called Cloverfield that's being heavily guarded" and this is the truth. Finally, a site has popped up for it. Here. It's pretty awesome to look at for a moment, initially taking in the fake-fear that these two actors possessed for the shot.
Need I mention that the entire trailer was shot by a single-hand-held camera? What I would suggest doing is going to Ethanhaaswasright.com, and check this shit out first:
Need I mention that the entire trailer was shot by a single-hand-held camera? What I would suggest doing is going to Ethanhaaswasright.com, and check this shit out first:
So I go to the bank this morning, before I head to work, to do a deposit for my dad. I go to the drive-thru lane, mostly because all I have are 2 deposits, with 3 checks and a grand total of $1,000 in hundreds (That would be 10 bills, for you non-math majors). I finally get up to the teller after a few minutes, and she proceeds to spend TEN FUCKING MINUTES ON THIS FUCKING DEPOSIT. I have no idea what she's doing, meanwhile...I look inside, and there is not a single fucking soul in the bank waiting on line. I look in my rearview mirror, and see 3 cars behind me. I legitimately feel sorry for these people, because if they have anything more complicated than what I was trying to deposit, there is a small possibility they are still there.
Whose bright idea to put the SLOWEST FUCKING BANK TELLER IN CHARGE OF THE DRIVE-THRU LINE? I can imagine the bank management saying, "Hey, let's put (insert name of old lady here...and no I'm not age biased, but its ALWAYS an old lady) in charge of drive-thru today. She may not be able to count, but boy, does she have personality!"
LET ME TELL YOU FUCKERS SOMETHING. 94% of old women do NOT have a personality. And if they did...they wouldn't be working at the fucking bank.
Fuck you North Fork.
Whose bright idea to put the SLOWEST FUCKING BANK TELLER IN CHARGE OF THE DRIVE-THRU LINE? I can imagine the bank management saying, "Hey, let's put (insert name of old lady here...and no I'm not age biased, but its ALWAYS an old lady) in charge of drive-thru today. She may not be able to count, but boy, does she have personality!"
LET ME TELL YOU FUCKERS SOMETHING. 94% of old women do NOT have a personality. And if they did...they wouldn't be working at the fucking bank.
Fuck you North Fork.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
It's Lanceford T. Manload Says!
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Bob Barker,
Chris Hanson,
Lance Manload,
Ted Danson
No sir, my wife is not pregnant. She's not my wife. Har Har.
First of all, I'm going to name my son (yes, I will have a son, and no other) Horatio Alva DeMott. If it's a girl, and that's a big if, it'll be Alva Horatio DeMott.
Whew, now that that's out of the way. Speaking of babies, holy shit, Marc just told me that Nicole Ritchie and Christina Aguilera are both pregnant. I'm sure the babies are going to be Demons Spawned from Hellfire and Brimstone, but here's the real question: Which one will reign more terror?
Nicole Ritchie has a fantastically bad cocaine habit, which makes her remarkably thin, and worm-like. This leads me to believe that she will birth a large wormlike creature. I don't know. I have a feeling this baby will come out, fiending for mama's breast milk, and Ritchie being the horrible person she is, will stick a beer bottle or other phallac object in it's mouth. To surmise:
Tom Cruise; Psycho. Seriously, what's another alien baby to Tom Cruise. It would mean that alien-baby Suri has someone to play with. It also means, that Katie Holmes will have something to gush over. I mean, her first chinese-looking baby isn't enough by any means.
The real money lies in who's the papa of Nicole Ritchie's baby. My guess is some coke dealer from Palo Alto named Ryder who right now, is reading this blog, and saying to himself: "That JD, gots me pegged." And to that, I say that I am a fucked up individual.
Thank you. Have a wonderful day-ish.
Whew, now that that's out of the way. Speaking of babies, holy shit, Marc just told me that Nicole Ritchie and Christina Aguilera are both pregnant. I'm sure the babies are going to be Demons Spawned from Hellfire and Brimstone, but here's the real question: Which one will reign more terror?
Nicole Ritchie has a fantastically bad cocaine habit, which makes her remarkably thin, and worm-like. This leads me to believe that she will birth a large wormlike creature. I don't know. I have a feeling this baby will come out, fiending for mama's breast milk, and Ritchie being the horrible person she is, will stick a beer bottle or other phallac object in it's mouth. To surmise:
usa13 (2:59:50 AM) : personally, im hoping that nicole richie miscarries
usa13 (2:59:54 AM) : because the baby is all like
usa13 (3:00:11 AM) : EAT SOMETHING BITCH
usa13 (3:00:39 AM) : that may just have been the meanest thing ive ever said.
Hmm. Someone's going to hell, and it might not be Nicole Ritchie's unborn Demon-Spawned child.
Now, Christina Aguilera is not nearly as freaky as Nicole Ritchie. She's freaky looking, but that's another post entirely. I mean, she didn't shave her head, or hold a baby over a bannister or anything, so I guess she's alright in that regard, but wasn't she fucking a DJ not too long ago. I mean, Christ-on-a-Crutch. DJ's are about as unreliable as Nicole Ritchie's coke dealer, so who's really going to father this child? Hm, here's a few options.
Derek Jeter; king of fucking really hot chicks. Jessica Beil and Mariah Carey, just to name a few. I don't know.
Hmm. Someone's going to hell, and it might not be Nicole Ritchie's unborn Demon-Spawned child.
Now, Christina Aguilera is not nearly as freaky as Nicole Ritchie. She's freaky looking, but that's another post entirely. I mean, she didn't shave her head, or hold a baby over a bannister or anything, so I guess she's alright in that regard, but wasn't she fucking a DJ not too long ago. I mean, Christ-on-a-Crutch. DJ's are about as unreliable as Nicole Ritchie's coke dealer, so who's really going to father this child? Hm, here's a few options.

The real money lies in who's the papa of Nicole Ritchie's baby. My guess is some coke dealer from Palo Alto named Ryder who right now, is reading this blog, and saying to himself: "That JD, gots me pegged." And to that, I say that I am a fucked up individual.
Thank you. Have a wonderful day-ish.
Monday, July 2, 2007
I HATE....
People who use the word "frenemies". Which I think is a terrible mixture of friend and enemy. I mean, that word is just fucking terrible. Why would you want to combine the two? It doesn't make any sense. You can't combine friends and enemies. That's like combining milk and lemonade. YOU JUST DON'T DO IT.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The Baseball Hall of Fame.
Okay, I know it's been a long time coming. I know that I got home from the Hall of Fame on Saturday, and that it's been a week since I've gotten home. I just don't have the time to sit down and write a blog about baseball. Well, now I do, I suppose.
Anyway, I'm half in the bag right now, halfway to bat-shit-crazy drunk, and I decided: Hey! Now would be an awesome time to write that HOF blog. And well, here it goes:
Upon arriving in Cooperstown, New York my father and I try to find a hotel somewhere. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we're in it for a fucking night, so really it could be a shack. We stop at a Best Western and unbeknownst to us it costs $214.95 for one night. $215-fucking-dollars. So we got to the Holiday Inn Express, once again, it's fucking $215 dollars. At this point, I'm getting aggravated, and this is edging closer to ruining my weekend, but we pull into a Red Carpet (roof?) Inn, and get a room for one night at a rate of (a still outrageous) $120 bucks (132 after taxes). We get the room keys and decided that we're just going to go to the HOF. It's a pivotal part of the trip.
We get there, and the HOF costs $29.00 bucks for two people. Not great, but not horrible. We get inside, we watch this little movie which shows some clips (Andruw Jones was present) and we go on our way. Now, I'm not going to talk about everything I saw. God, I don't remember
anything anyway. I remember seeing the No-Hit balls. If you click on the photo it'll enlarge to it's much greater size, and you might be able to make out some shit. It was a truly awesome thing to see, a lot of people you wouldn't expect have No-Hitters.
One of the greatest things I saw that day though, was the Boston World Series ball, which Doug Meintchevewavseaviz was thrown, and he stole (basically). He loaned it to the HOF and there it rests along with probably the best damn thing that sits in that HOF; Curt Schilling's Bloody
Sock. Holy shit. I don't care if it's fake or not, but Jesus, it was awesome. Just stare at it, in awe. Below that gorgeous boody sock is the World Series Ball.
Also, I got to see the home plate that resided first at Ebbets field in Crown Heights (Brooklyn New York), and it was yellow, and fucking amazing. There was awesome so much Babe Ruth stuff, bats, and balls, bats that he hit tremendous home runs with, and a silver slugger bat that he no doubt won. One thing that stood in the HOF was Babe Ruth's original locker. It stood as a shrine to the fat man. As you can see below, the picture isn't the greatest, but even my Dad cheesed about the locker. Always a player, never a fan, my dad loved seeing something like that. It just seemingly, made him happy.

There was so much other stuff at the Hall of Fame, but I mean, how much baseball can you look at. I was bombarded with so much information, and now I can say I went there. I truly am a baseball fan. I love the Braves, and the stuff was amazing. I'll post so more pictures below, of the trip and stuff, but I'm not writing anymore. It's just pointless, there's too much to write, and this is just a blog of awesomeness, not something to bore people with. Just know, that I got to spend time with my Pops, and I had an awesome time in the HOF. I do, however, hate Cooperstown New York, and their $17 dollar bacon, egg, and cheese's.
Anyway, I'm half in the bag right now, halfway to bat-shit-crazy drunk, and I decided: Hey! Now would be an awesome time to write that HOF blog. And well, here it goes:
Upon arriving in Cooperstown, New York my father and I try to find a hotel somewhere. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we're in it for a fucking night, so really it could be a shack. We stop at a Best Western and unbeknownst to us it costs $214.95 for one night. $215-fucking-dollars. So we got to the Holiday Inn Express, once again, it's fucking $215 dollars. At this point, I'm getting aggravated, and this is edging closer to ruining my weekend, but we pull into a Red Carpet (roof?) Inn, and get a room for one night at a rate of (a still outrageous) $120 bucks (132 after taxes). We get the room keys and decided that we're just going to go to the HOF. It's a pivotal part of the trip.
We get there, and the HOF costs $29.00 bucks for two people. Not great, but not horrible. We get inside, we watch this little movie which shows some clips (Andruw Jones was present) and we go on our way. Now, I'm not going to talk about everything I saw. God, I don't remember

Anyway, we get around to seeing a lot of stuff, a Uniform worn my Warren Spahn, and Eddie Matthew's jerseys. As well as a slew of old baseball cards, World Series ring (Braves '95), Tom Seaver's shows, etc.
One of the greatest things I saw that day though, was the Boston World Series ball, which Doug Meintchevewavseaviz was thrown, and he stole (basically). He loaned it to the HOF and there it rests along with probably the best damn thing that sits in that HOF; Curt Schilling's Bloody

Also, I got to see the home plate that resided first at Ebbets field in Crown Heights (Brooklyn New York), and it was yellow, and fucking amazing. There was awesome so much Babe Ruth stuff, bats, and balls, bats that he hit tremendous home runs with, and a silver slugger bat that he no doubt won. One thing that stood in the HOF was Babe Ruth's original locker. It stood as a shrine to the fat man. As you can see below, the picture isn't the greatest, but even my Dad cheesed about the locker. Always a player, never a fan, my dad loved seeing something like that. It just seemingly, made him happy.

There was so much other stuff at the Hall of Fame, but I mean, how much baseball can you look at. I was bombarded with so much information, and now I can say I went there. I truly am a baseball fan. I love the Braves, and the stuff was amazing. I'll post so more pictures below, of the trip and stuff, but I'm not writing anymore. It's just pointless, there's too much to write, and this is just a blog of awesomeness, not something to bore people with. Just know, that I got to spend time with my Pops, and I had an awesome time in the HOF. I do, however, hate Cooperstown New York, and their $17 dollar bacon, egg, and cheese's.
There's pictures, I will post more when time permits.
That my friends, is Doubleday Field.
Eva Mendes is ..beyond awesometastically hot.
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