Monday, July 23, 2007


Alright, so I was just watching that Bryant Gumbal show that graces HBO's lineup on Sundays, and/or whenever it is they show it. I was watching, and their female correspondent was interviewing Gary Sheffield. Sheffield, as you may or may not know, is a Major League Baseball player who has played for the Brewers, Padres, Braves, Yankees and more currently the Detroit Tigers. He has admitted to putting something on his tongue (not penis) and rubbing a cream on his leg. He says that since it didn't work for him, that he never used steroids.

Now, I know that there are different forms of steroids or performance enhancing drugs. I understand that Barry Bonds went from twig to ginormous tree in the span of three seasons all by rubbing a little HGH or whatever on his body. Sheffield basically threatens baseball when he says that no one understands who is taking 'roids. If everyone who was taking steroids was abruptly caught or taken from baseball Sheffield's understanding is that baseball would be "dead."

It's my own personal belief that Sheffield is crazier than Tom Cruise. Maybe he and Tom can get together and talk about random shit that makes no sense. At least Bonds came out and said that he rubbed shit on himself. He may have said that he didn't know what it was, but that's horseshit. He knew, and he was smart enough to say "I didn't know what it was" he used performance enhancing drugs, because of the attention it got McGwire and Sosa back in '98 when the Home Run Challenge of Maris' record went on. He was pissed, because he had one of his best non-steroid years and no one gave a shit. Bonds is the way Bonds is, because people put their blinders on when Big Mac and Sosa were jacking 70+ HRs and obviously using steroids to do so. Now, Bonds is under scrutiny because he was caught - here's a fucking news flash people - Big Mac was caught too. The red-headed moron was stupid enough to leave the shit in his locker where everyone could see it.

Basically my point is that Bonds deserves some recognition for what he's doing. There's no doubt he's doing it on 'roids, but he's hitting a small ball, with a small stick, and making it go a long way.
I'm not denoting the fact that steroids are bad, I'm denoting the fact that people are just now making Bonds out to be the bad guy. Sure, he's a dick, but he's a dick who's going to have the most HR's in history very soon.

I will write more about this. It is, however, 4am, so I gotta get to sleep. And by sleep I mean read "Game of Shadows."

Also, I haven't read it yet, but I heard "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens is a damn good book, worthy of a read. Check out a small exerpt here.


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