And yes, I know, they're not supposed to be good movies, but I think they're meant to be unintentionally fucking crazy. For example, when Jason Statham agreed to do the movie he said he would because the script made him laugh so hard he was crying.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Mangini's shown the door.

The Jets are considering their options. Bob Sutton and Brian Shottenheimer are still on the payroll for now...and they should've been shown the door too. No doubt about it. You play a zone defense and blow a lead to the Pats on a shitty pass thrown by a "rookie" QB, and you still have a job. Fuck yourselves.
Brett Favre, fuck you too, man. Honestly, what the fuck happened to Brett Favre that he turned into 2007's version of Chad "Luck-Chuck" Pennington? Ailing shoulder aside, Brett Favre should've been honest, and lets be reasonable, the Offensive Play Calling has the charisma of a kid with down-syndrome turning on-and-off a light switch. Brian Shottenheimer should've been shown the door after the atrocious game at San-Fran weeks ago.
Now there's talk of bringing in Marty Shottenheimer. Fine. Whatever. You can blame Mangini for not stepping up, that's fine, but you know what, when your players aren't making the plays they're supposed to be making - you need to fucking light a fire under their asses. They lost against four of quite-possibly the worst teams in the NFL; and you, as the owner, don't come out and say "What the fuck?" George Steinbrenner said that Johnny Damon had to cut his hair faster than the Jet Owners came up with a resolution.
So, just like FOX Network, the New York Jets can suck a dick. I've been a die-hard Jets fan my entire 25-year-old life. My dad, has been a Jets fan for like 50 years, we bleed Green and White, but after this display of ...I don't even know what to call it? Self Destruction? Implosion? I don't know.
Well...I do know. I will be a Jets fan forever. Just like the Braves. I will be a fan no matter what happens. I wish shit like Coaches getting fired wouldn't happen, but unfortunately it does. There's nothing I, as a fan, can do. The Jets started out 8-3 and ended up 9-7. Talk about a shitty way to end a wonderful start. . .
On the other hand here are Mangenius' parting words:
"I appreciate the opportunity that Woody and Mike gave me for the past three years as the head coach of the New York Jets. The organization has terrific people and I wish the Jets nothing but success. The time and effort invested by the coaches and players was tremendous and I value that beyond words. We worked hard to achieve two winning seasons out of the past three. I regret that we could not reach our goals for this year. I will always appreciate the passion and support of the fans as our focus was trying to build them a championship-caliber foundation and team."
And for all your faults, Mangini, we appreciated you too.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
FOX can eat a dick.
FOX known for canceling shows like Wonderfalls and John Doe and Firefly can eat a dick. They can eat a whole bunch of dicks.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Melrose Place 2.0...
With the revamping of a show like 90210..and to have it be such a hit, there's been talk of a Melrose Place 2.0...
I am not really a big fan of Melrose Place; Beverly Hills 90210 you bet, but I only watched MP when the Bevery gang trounced onto their turf. I own the first season of MP, but haven't watched but a few episode yet.
This was all speculation until...One Tree Hill creator/show runner/writer Mark Schwahn agree to pen the pilot episode.
I love "One Tree Hill" I always have. It's been around for 6 years and I think the show only gets better with age. To be completely honest with you, it reminds me of Beverly Hills 90210, the way the characters are progressing and what not.
A seventh season seems almost imminent, because the ratings have been rather good. Schwahn has it in his WBTV contract to stay as showrunner/exec-producer.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Stargate: Universe casts its lead.
Something I don't really understand. I like Stargate SG-1, and own Stargate: Atlantis season one (but have neglected to watch), but I can't get around this Stargate: Universe idea. Granted, I like the show, that might sound nerdy, but it's not a badly written show .. poor excuse?
Stargate: Universe has cast it's lead with Robert Carlyle, who was most recently seen in 24: Redemption opposite Keifer Sutherland. He goes kaplooey.
Hollywood Reporter says:
Described as edgier, darker and younger-skewing than its predecessors, "SGU" follows a group of soldiers, scientists and civilians left to fend for themselves when forced through a Stargate after their hidden base comes under attack. The survivors, who emerge aboard an ancient ship missing in the far reaches of space, are led by Dr. David Rush (Carlyle), who works to unlock the ship's mysteries and return the group home but also might have ulterior motives.
Sounds fairly interesting.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Fuck the Yankees up their stupid fucking asses.
I was going to write a loooooooong post here about the Yankees and how much I hate them. Seriously. However, I decided that I didn't have the energy to do it. I will say this, though, they suck a fucking dick.
C.C. Sabathia and AJ Burnett? They shell out fucking $160 million to Sabathia over 7 years, and $82.5 million to Burnett over 5 years? Jesus Christ, man. Talk about throwing money at people. It's kind of annoying that the Yankees and Mets can just throw this fucking ludicrous amount of money around without even thinking about it. That's $240 million dollars. Over that even. To TWO fucking players over the next 7 years.
C.C. Sabathia and AJ Burnett? They shell out fucking $160 million to Sabathia over 7 years, and $82.5 million to Burnett over 5 years? Jesus Christ, man. Talk about throwing money at people. It's kind of annoying that the Yankees and Mets can just throw this fucking ludicrous amount of money around without even thinking about it. That's $240 million dollars. Over that even. To TWO fucking players over the next 7 years.
New "Terminator: Salvation" trailer..
This movie looks surprisingly good...
I never thought I'd say that.
I never thought I'd say that.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Bettie Page has died.
It's weird, according to everything, Bettie Page was already dead. People speculated and speculated saying that she had already died many years ago. It just so happens she didn't die - she was actually just living among us like a regular person. She wasn't living lavishly and she wasn't rich, she was just normal.
She passed away, though, and most people have been giving the immortalization of Bettie Page through Gretchen Mol's performance in The Notorious Bettie Page; or through Teaserama.
The fat dude from AICN was in love with her to boot.
It's a prime example though of how to be literally forgotten for a long time.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh Sweet Jesus...
Jennifer Aniston is hot. Fuck you Brad Pitt for leaving her for that big lipped freakazoid (never a fan of Jolie, personally). Jennifer Aniston poses for GQ magazine...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Heath Ledger's apartment ...up for rent?
Heath Ledger, who made headlines this summer for the blockbuster The Dark Knight and also for fucking dying of a drug overdose, had an apartment. However, this apartment is unrentable.
The apartment, which has been taken off the market, is a $26,000 a month rent. The New York Post says "most likely because of its spooky provenance and a cooling high-end rental market."
Spook Provenance? Drop that baby down to $400 a month and I'm sold.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
SF 49ers Audio Commentators...
They are the WORST...HOLY SHIT. God, these guys are a bunch of bumbling fools! They're talking about nothing, absolutely nothing, there's a fucking GAME going on you morons!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Things that happened to me on the way to work...
First of all, I am fucking beyond hung over and working. I shouldn't be working, but my boss fired the girl I work with, so I have too. Ultimately it doesn't bother me, but I could've used 3 or 12 more hours of sleep today. This mornings drive to work was especially fucked up and weird. Firstly:
1. There was no old people on the road. Only a blonde hottie with a face like an angel and (I'm guessing) breasts that are like cantaloupes from heaven. She was driving faster than I was and that leads into part two of the drive to work;
2. A fucking black SUV that had to have been a Statey or at least a Cop, comes barrelling down the road, lights flashing - so I'm definitely thinking the worst. This girl in front of me slows down and I slow down and figure I'm getting pulled over for speeding, and pull off to the right. And he speeds past me doing about 90 mph, and I sit there in awe for a moment. Then pull back onto the road and start driving. Now, the funniest thing about this episode was that I wasn't like nervous. When I was first starting out driving, my heart dropped into my stomach and I was nervous, but this time around was the three C's: Calm, Cool, and Collected. This didn't lead to part three, but still, it's kind of hilarious.
3. I'm sitting at a light, waiting with my windows open in 23 degree weather (I happen to prefer the cold, plus if you're freezing your ass off, it takes your mind off the hangover), and I look in my rear view mirror and see a guy, in a read Madza (or something like it) dressed as Santa Claus. I kind of just stare for a minute wondering what the fuck was going on, but I didn't get out of the car and hit him, I just continued driving.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Braves acquire Vazquez from White Sox ...make offer to Burnett...
The Braves are ...probably...out of the running for a trade that involves Jake Peavy. Probably. So, they went out and got themselves a seasoned Post-Season pitcher with over two-thousand K's in Javier Vazquez. Now, it just so happens, they have made an offer to Free Agent Pitcher AJ Burnett. Which is apparently in the realm of $16 million annually (yearly for you retards out there) with an option for a fifth year.
Burnett is, without a doubt, a good pitcher. It doesn't showcase your talent when you're pitching for a team like the Blue Jays unfortunately, but he's a hard-throwing left hander. Burnett would be a great addition to an already struggling Braves rotation.
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