The Jets are considering their options. Bob Sutton and Brian Shottenheimer are still on the payroll for now...and they should've been shown the door too. No doubt about it. You play a zone defense and blow a lead to the Pats on a shitty pass thrown by a "rookie" QB, and you still have a job. Fuck yourselves.
Brett Favre, fuck you too, man. Honestly, what the fuck happened to Brett Favre that he turned into 2007's version of Chad "Luck-Chuck" Pennington? Ailing shoulder aside, Brett Favre should've been honest, and lets be reasonable, the Offensive Play Calling has the charisma of a kid with down-syndrome turning on-and-off a light switch. Brian Shottenheimer should've been shown the door after the atrocious game at San-Fran weeks ago.
Now there's talk of bringing in Marty Shottenheimer. Fine. Whatever. You can blame Mangini for not stepping up, that's fine, but you know what, when your players aren't making the plays they're supposed to be making - you need to fucking light a fire under their asses. They lost against four of quite-possibly the worst teams in the NFL; and you, as the owner, don't come out and say "What the fuck?" George Steinbrenner said that Johnny Damon had to cut his hair faster than the Jet Owners came up with a resolution.
So, just like FOX Network, the New York Jets can suck a dick. I've been a die-hard Jets fan my entire 25-year-old life. My dad, has been a Jets fan for like 50 years, we bleed Green and White, but after this display of ...I don't even know what to call it? Self Destruction? Implosion? I don't know.
Well...I do know. I will be a Jets fan forever. Just like the Braves. I will be a fan no matter what happens. I wish shit like Coaches getting fired wouldn't happen, but unfortunately it does. There's nothing I, as a fan, can do. The Jets started out 8-3 and ended up 9-7. Talk about a shitty way to end a wonderful start. . .
On the other hand here are Mangenius' parting words:
"I appreciate the opportunity that Woody and Mike gave me for the past three years as the head coach of the New York Jets. The organization has terrific people and I wish the Jets nothing but success. The time and effort invested by the coaches and players was tremendous and I value that beyond words. We worked hard to achieve two winning seasons out of the past three. I regret that we could not reach our goals for this year. I will always appreciate the passion and support of the fans as our focus was trying to build them a championship-caliber foundation and team."
And for all your faults, Mangini, we appreciated you too.
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