Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Yankees acquire "Pudge"
Fuck the heck?!
The Yankees are getting deals like crazy, first off Xavier Nady and Damaso Marte for a few Minor Leaguers. And now trading a middle reliever (a mediocre reliever at best) for a 13-time Gold Glove catcher? What the hell?
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad...
NYC cop bashes bicyclist...Yay!
Vince McMahon hires Actor...
Apparently Prinze Jr, who is married to Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar, is an avid WWE fan, and has blogged on their Fan Nation blogs.
This is from Mike Aldrens WGN newsletter:
Jr. as a new member of the creative team. Maybe he wants to make Scooby
Doo 3? Prinze is a huge fan and had recently been blogging as a guest
celebrity on the WWE's Fan Nation website. He was also seen at
Wrestlemania 24 earlier this year and has been backstage at wrestling
events since the 90s. I'm sure a lot more on this story will come out in
the mainstream press over the next few days. Prinze is married to Buffy
actress Sarah Michelle Gellar."
Seriously, if they put Freddie Prinze Jr. on TV, I'd fucking watch it. I loved his show Freddie, that got canceled after one season. My brother and I watch it on that Spanish Oriented Programming Channel, that plays all American Spanish stuff rather than like unavision, or whatever the fuck it's called.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wolverine Comic-Con trailer has leaked...
Little knowledge for you, Deadpool aka Wade Wilson got cancer, in order to the survive the cancer he went to Weapon X, got the healing factor (same one Wolvie has) and due to that, it fucked up his face irreparably, thus is why he wears the mask.
So, if this isn't the Deadpool that is in Wolverine: Origins than fuck the movie, fuck it in the ass.
Check out the trailer though.
W trailer has leaked...and....
A word of advice...
The mother fucker has latched onto my desktop and won't let go. So I'm trying everything...not fun.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Punisher: War Zone trailer
Aronofsky attached to Robocop...
David Self, who penned Road to Perdition and The Wolf Man, as well as Submariner as far as I know.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Greatest story evar told. Shit! I need wite-out!
*No I will not be posting News Stories like this all the time, I just found this so fucking hilarious it needed to be shared.
McKay and Ferrel start working on...
Despite being born in the 80's, I hate them. I'm in a hateful mood today. HATE YOU.
Just a clarification...
So, why am I writing about a movie that I loathe with all the power of my being? Because MTV has taken it upon themselves (as they usually do without a regard for life) to make a remake of the apparent cult-classic.
Seriously, there hasn't been a truly original music a long time. Save for the music numbers in Not Another Teen Movie, or whatever, but Mama Mia! was a broadway musical, Hairspray was a broadway musical..Correct me if I'm wrong (I most certainly am, usually), but doesn't the world need another Grease?
Yeah, man.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It's Highway to the Danger...Zone...DOS...
I don't believe it either, Top Gun is a fucking classic movie. It has jets, Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Ice melting on Kelly McGillis' tummy, had everything you could ask for in an action movie starring Tom Cruise: a shitty plot.
Anyway, there's talk of starting up a Top Gun 2: Flight Simulator (not actual name, though, would be pretty cool), where Tom Cruise would be an instructor now, dealing with a hot shot female pilot. Maverick you sly dog, is she going to rub ice on your stomach?
One problem we'll have here is the fact that we'll have a Top Gun spoof at the hands of the guys who made SuperHero Movie, and Scary Movie, and Meet the Spartans, etc.
Hot Chick O' The Week
Therefore, Emily Blunt is your Hot Chick O' The Week...
A little back story, for those of you who care, Emily Blunt is hot. She actually dated Michael Buble for like 3 years, was in the (apparently) hit movie Devil Wears Prada, and was also in Charlie Wilsons War. She has two upcoming flicks one being called The Young Victoria where she plays the title character and she'll be opposite Benecio Del Toro in The Wolf Man...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
No this is not a new BoA thing. . .
"My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them."
Mitch Hedberg.
Shyamalan to produce...not direct...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Wrestling Breeds Malfeasance.
Two idiot fans tried to steal two chairs from the backstage area at the show, and were caught by WWE workers, who they promptly hit with a bottle and attempted to bite the unsuspecting WWE worker.
Fucking morons, this is what I grew up with. People fight with bottles, and knives, and anything they can get their hands on.
Jeremy Shockey is a Saint...
He was traded for two 2009 draft picks.
Also making news is disgrunted Miami Dolphin Jason Taylor, he was traded to the Redskins after DE Philip Daniels went down with an injury. He was traded for a couple of draft picks.
The Dark Knight sets record...
- "The average opening gross of the last five `Batman' movies is $47 million. This tripled that, and for a reason," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Media By Numbers. "A big part of that was the Heath Ledger mystique and a phenomenal performance that absolutely deserves the excitement surrounding it."
Reason why I'm happy the Braves don't have Andruw Jones...
2. He has 11 RBIs.
I know, I know he was hurt for a while, and all that, but we're talking about a guy who hit 50+ home runs, and drove in at least 90 RBIs a year. I'm just happy he's on the Dodgers and they're stuck with his 30-sum-odd million dollar contract.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Alex Proyas' "Knowing" trailer hits...
The film looks pretty cool, take a peek at the trailer.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Peterson leaves "CSI"
That's great. How can you just leave america's highest rated show?
Big Mouth Wagner at it again...
So, Billy Wagner speaks out because Chase Utley was being booed at the Home Run Derby and apparently said "Boo? Fuck you!" however, it wasn't really supposed to be picked up by the cameras. Chase Utley is getting booed at Yankee Stadium? What the fuck for? I can understand the Sox getting booed, that's normal, but the Phillies? Who gives a shit, they're the Phillies. Chase Utley was obviously in a state of shock and awe, because he was booed in a stadium that he seldom plays in, so I forgive him.
Baseball fans, and Sports Fans in general, are a dumb breed. We boo people just to be assholes, or because the person next to us has a personal vendetta against the player. I hate the Metropolitans, I downright loathe them. If they died tomorrow, I wouldn't care. Really. I hate them that much. Especially David (I only made the team because Alfonso Soriano Got Hurt) Wright, who came in last night and in his first two at bats, whiffed like a bitch.
Anyway, the game went until the 15th inning, I got into bed around, I want to say 11:30, watched a little tube and for shits and giggles went to FOX, and the game was still on. I stopped watching the ASG after the 6th inning, because Chipper Jones was taken out (he had the first NL hit, the guys a machine) and the game held no interest to me whatsoever.
But that's it.
Pitt and DiCaprio are "Inglorious Bastards"
Tarantino wants Madsen, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Bruce Willis, Adam Sandler, Tim Roth, and Harvey Keitel to all be in it. That's his dream cast apparently, and it would be the greatest action/war movie ever
What if...Cody and Spielberg ..
Then Diablo Cody, scribe of Juno and the coming television show starring Toni Collette (which she is doing with Spielberg) The United States of Tara, is working on an original Steven Spielberg idea. Holy shit, that's a pretty cool job if you ask me.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"The Spirit" trailer
This trailer makes me cry tears of anguish.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Derrick Rose starts his career off...
Rose pleads guilty to speeding, as he was doing more than 100 mph in a 65 mph zone.
He was fined $1,000 bucks.
Two For One Special...
This time, you're getting nothing, but my own amusement.
Hot Chick O' The Week is sponsered in part by...absolutely no one, but this week it's my crush Jordana Brewster who is ...holy-fucking-shit hot.
Why is this a two-fer? Because the gorgeous Jordana Brewster is going to be playing in at least three episodes of NBC's Chuck, as the girl who broke his heart in college by sleeping with Bryce Larkin.

My God.
Why JD doesn't hate the MLB All Star game...this year.
Haha, fuck you David Wright, I hate your guts.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Entertainment Weekly "Twilight" cover

I am seriously waiting for this flick, because I have read the boo and I'm about a third into the second book. I like the novels, I like the stories they tell personally. It's a little more romance than my guy-mind is used to, but I still like the struggle.
Therefore, when I saw the picture on the cover of Entertainment Weekly I was stoked.
Empire Online's "50 Greatest Comic Book Heroes"
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Two leaving "Friday Night Lights"
You honestly had to see it coming anyway, if you're on Friday Night Lights there's only so far that you can really go. Gaius Charles and Scott Porter who play Brian "Smash" Williams and Jason "Crippie Boy" Street respectively will see their storylines summed up in recurring episodes in the third season of the show.
The show will air on DirectTV's Channel 101, and then air on NBC as a midseason filler.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My birthday present is this!?
Fuuuuuuuuck. I don't like the Cubs, now I need to buy a Cubs hat.
Czurchy goes to the Max
Matt Czurchy is best know for his role on Girlmore Girls as Rory's boyfriend Logan Huntsberger. If all goes well he'll be known for something much greater when he stars as Tucker Max in I hope they serve beer in Hell which is based on Max's own book, which is ridiculously funny, lewd, and outrageous. It'll make American Pie look like Daddy Day Care if made correctly.
Jesse Bradford and Matt Stults also star as Max's best friends.
Top New Shows of Next Fall...
Having watched Fringe and Life On Mars I can say that they will probably be of the most hyped, most-watched shows next fall. Mars is good, but it could definitely use some fine tuning. Fringe, however, is so good it made me yearn for me. Fringe, if you didn't know, is produced by JJ Abrams, who in turn worked on two of ABC's hit shows LOST and Alias.
11th Hour looks good, it does, but I don't know if I like Rufus Sewell in the lead role. I haven't gotten a screener copy of the show yet, but when I do I will pop on here and tell you want I really think about the show. I'll do that now with Life on Mars and Fringe right now...
Since I've got nothing else to all.
Fringe's 2-hour pilot was directed by Alex Graves, who directed countless episodes of Aaron Sorkin scripted dramas Sports Night and my favorite show The West Wing. It was penned by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman who together penned last years blockbuster Transformers, Mission Impossible III, Alias, and has been tapped to write Star Trek and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. It's also got the writing talent of JJ Abrams, who we all know is pretty damn good. The story focuses on a female FBI Agent, who is forced to work with a scientist who has been institutionalized, in order to fight against a slew of unexplained phenomena. The female agent is played by Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson plays the scientists son, and John Noble plays the crazy scientist.
The 2-Hour pilot was very very good. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I think Joshua Jackson is going to steal the show. Anna Torv is hotter than hell, and it pisses me off what happens with Mark Valley's character. However, the writing is right there. It's good to a point that it's going to be the best pilot of the fall season (until I see something better at least like...90210).
Life On Mars' pilot was directed by Thomas Schlamme, who recently directed Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, countless episodes of The West Wing, Sports Night, Invasion, Jack & Bobby, Ally McBeal and ER, so you know it's good. The show stars Jason O'Mara as a cop who is on the trail of a serial killer...when his partner/girlfriend is captured he's distraut and nearly gets into a traffic accident, he pulls over ...gets out of the car...and gets run over by a car.
Then he's transported into the 1970's where he's forced to solve murders.
Now before everyone gets on me about one thing or another, this show is based on a famous British series, which I have the first season of, and plan to watch one of these days. The story and screenplay are written by the guys who wrote October Road which according to everyone on the planet sucked, but here's the thing...
I liked October Road, I really liked it. It had a heart, and it had good dialogue, and the premise was there. I don't really understand the bashing that it's taking, I truly don't. I didn't watch any of the second season. I tried getting the episodes, but that wound up being a hopeless case, because I'd forget to get them, or lose interest in getting them, or something, but I liked the show.
The script for the first episode/pilot of ABC's Life on Mars is good. It's not the greatest script in the entire world, but it's doable, it's believable and it's basically copied from the BBC series, but that doesn't tarnish the acting. Colm Meany and Rachel Lafevre breathe life into these characters, and Jason O'Mara has brought Sam Tyler to life. And, you know what, he damn well should have, I've seen the cat play a serial killer on Criminal Minds, a guy getting brain surgery on Grey's Anatomy and starring as a lead in InJustice (which was good). O'Mara has good acting chops and he showed it in this pilot episode for Life On Mars.
I almost forgot to tell you that 90210 was/is going to be CW's hit new show. I didn't say it, the people at Horizon Media did. Yeah.
Fuck me....
This is from
New York Jets
Chad Pennington vs. Kellen Clemens, quarterback
Pennington is 32, so his days as a starter could be decided this summer. He has been pestered by injuries in his career, including a high-ankle sprain last season. Clemens has a bigger arm but he didn't impress much when given the chance last season. His decision-making leaves a lot to be desired.
Edge: Pennington. It's not by much.
Opening day starter: Pennington. Clemens might have blown his chance last season. Pennington is the better option right now.
The Jets apparently have a QB fight going on, and there's a ...question as to who should starting? Holy fucking Shit, firstly: they both suck! Secondly? They both fucking suck!
JD thinks it's time they both fight to the death. The better man shall prevail!
Hot Chick O' The Week

She will also appear in the Blair Underwood directed The Bridge to Nowhere ...nevertheless, she is hot.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Mark Millar wants to reinvent Superman?
Okay. Fine. Wanted was a success, but I'll tell you wasn't what the book was. I didn't see the flick, but what I've been told is that it's nothing like the book, not as hardcore as the book. The TPD was life changing, is life changing, it has a story deep with in it that makes you really start to wonder. That's what Wanted is all about.
Now that Mark Millar's head is the size of a car tire, he wants to go with his plan of reinventing Superman for the 21st Century. I know that Singer's Superman was no match in comparison to Spider-Man or X-Men or Batman Begins or anything like that. Shit, I wouldn't even let them make a sequel at this point. That story was downright terrible, bring in Doomsday, let Supes die, let him come back and save the day. That's what Superman is all about, about hope and about life. That's what Spider-Man had going for them. It was at a time when 9/11 happened and the world needed a hero and we were given one in the form of a blue and red spandexed hero. Superman should've been the one to hold that crown, but money hungry shit-heads in the film biz were too busy fighting over money, and story lines (giant spiders anyone?) to get the job done.
All this and I love Spider-Man. I love the character, I love the story, I love the origin, I love the fact that he's torn (or was torn) between two lives. Superman in the comics always had an easy go of hiding his identity, it just never seemed to be a problem. Parker had a day job, Parker had a girlfriend or a wife, and an Aunt. He just had to hide his miraculous power from everyone. Superman/Clark Kent is like a robot, no emotion. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the character of Clark Kent/Superman, but it's too obvious. It's always been obvious, and that's kind of the point.
If Mark Millar is going to come out and rewrite Superman and bring us a story that we want to see/hear/read, then by all means, go forth with your mission, because ever since Superman (1978) there hasn't been any Superman flick worth a damn.
Sources say Sabathia to Brew-Crew.
Sabathia could start for the Brewers on Tuesday if all goes as planned. Sabathia is 6-8 in 18 starts this season. In 11 of these starts the Indians have scored 2 or less runs for him. The Brewers have scored 19 more runs than the Indians and that's not much, but it's enough. Sabathia is coming onto a team where they have a chance of winning the division...despite Sabathia being God-Awful against the Cubbies.
The Brewers reportedly gave up Matt LaPorta, Rob Bryson, Zach Jackson, and a play to be named. All have played in the minors this season.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Holy fucking Christ.
The Happening is the worst fucking movie I have ever seen in my entire life.
Booze cannot save this movie. A new script and a new cast couldn't save this movie.
Mark Wahlberg ...why? Why did you do this? Why would you go against your action-movie brooding actor grain?
I like M. Night's flicks. However, I have loathed his last three flicks. The Village, Lady in the Water and now this flick (which I'm not even done with yet).
Friday, July 4, 2008
Bozo The Clown; Larry Harmon dead at 83.

Quantum of Solace...
Check out the trailer
Thursday, July 3, 2008
JD's Review: Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
I wasn't dissapointed. Despite the fact that there is one (or four) time(s) you see male-frontal-nudity (all Jason Segal mind you) it's one of the best comedies I've seen in a good long time. In the same vein as Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin it's crude comedy at it's finest. Kristen Bell is gorgeous, but Mila Kunis is even hotter.
The story follows a TV show composer who works for the show that his girlfriend Sarah Marshall (Bell) works for. He basically does the music that plays over the serious points in the flick. One would say they're ominous. He gets a call from Sarah saying they need to talk, and he gets out of the shower sees her there, and she breaks up with him. Which creates the hilarity (in all honesty), because everyone deals with a break up their own way. Whether it be wallowing in self-pity, or getting so drunk you stick your dick in anything with a pulse (preferably female). Jason Segals character Peter does not take this break up well and decides he needs to go on a vacation to Hawaii.
He gets to Hawaii and who is there, but his ex-girlfriend TV-star Sarah Marshall with her new Boyfriend Rockstar Aldous Snow.
I could go on, but you get the drift. You throw in the temptable Mila Kunis as Jason Segal's new love interest and the story could go in a number of different directions. Is the movie predictable? Yes, it is, but it's still laugh out loud hilarious.
And the end? Holy fucking Christ, I was dying. Let me put it to you this way:
Now, that is not the end, it's just something that gets furthered along in the end of the flick, but definitely see this flick if you can, it's well worth the price of a dvd, or a rental, or whatever it is you do to watch flicks.
Hot Chick O' The Week

Xzibit, Kilmer join Bad Lieutenant
I remember watching this flick not too long ago, on AMC or one of the movie channels. It's not on frequently and it reminds me of To Live and Die in LA (which if you get the chance is an awesome flick amigo) also...Nicolas Cage has proven himself to be a character actor. He can play pretty much anyone. Leaving Las Vegas is a tribute to his actual acting, and that kind of acting will help him play the role that Harvey Keitel made famous.
Also, luccccccccious Eva Mendes has joined the ranks and will star opposite Cage, Xzibit, and Kilmer.
Doherty brings back Brenda...
If Side Order of Life gets picked up ...
Priestley wants to do the show, but fears that they won't ask him to do it. If they don't...I swear to you, I will not watch this 90210 show.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Jose Reyes: Child Star in the making.
Jose Reyes is a Major League Baseball Shortstop for the New York Metropolitans.
While being one of the best shortstops in all of baseball (Hanley Ramirez is the best actually) and having a rocket-powered arm doesn't hurt. However, when he makes a bad throw and a hit goes into the outfield he acts like a little leaguer and throws his glasses and hat down to the ground in disgust.
I am disgusted. I mean this is second in my disgust to Manny Ramirez who tossed the Traveling Secretary of the Red Sox to the ground because he could get 16 (!) tickets to the Sox' game in Houston against the 'Stros.
Jesus Christ, MLB stars are a bunch of pussies.