I was just checking over the updated ballot for the Major League Baseball All-Star game. Much to my chagrin, the Mets aren't doing so well. Sure their infield will pretty much field the NL side of the game, but that's too be expected. Stupid New York Met fans with nothing better to do just simultaneously click their mouses over and over (for the max 25 votes) and then they make up e-mail addresses and do it again. One thing that makes me so happy I could cry is the fact that Russ Martin of the Dodgers is edging Paul LoDuca out of the NL Catcher Spot.
For those of you who don't know, or haven't realized, I hate fucking Paul LoDuca. I hate him. I really do. Moreso than I hate David Wright, or Tom Herr. I don't know why, honestly, I just fucking do.
Anyway, Prince Fielder is going to edge out Albert Pujols for the NL 1st Baseman Starting spot. As well he fucking should, the guy has been hammering the holy bejesus out of the ball. He's hitting .283, with 26 Long balls, and 61 rbis. Pujols (whom I think is awesome, don't get me wrong) is batting .303 with 16 long balls and 47 rbis. Pujols' OBP is better, it's just that he hasn't displayed the type of power that Fielder has yet. Granted, Fielder is on a much better team and Pujols is on a sinking ship with a bird-emblem. Fielder is a good choice.
Chase Utley is another surprise for JD, because I have always called the All Star game a popularity contest (it is), but Utley is actually deserving of the 2B spot on the NL side. Kelly Johnson maybe have 8 HRs, but I mean the guy is as inconsistant as ever. Utley's batting .322 to Johnson's .274, Utley has 30 doubles, to Johnson's 13. Although, take into consideration that Utley isn't leading off.
3rd Base is going to fucking bewilder me. I know that Chipper Jones was hurt and all that. And that David Wright was in a slump, but considering the fact that he's still batting - fuck it...look:
Jones' stats: .320 Avg, .408 OBP, 13 HR, 28 RBI, 38 runs!, 15 doubles, 1 3b.
Wright's stats: .289 Avg, .373 OBP, 12 HR, 40 RBI, 41 runs, 18 doubles, 1 3b.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. This jaggoff is leading

Jesus. Lest we forget that Miguel Cabrera deserves the reigns more than both of them (granted Chip was hurt for 20 games) Cabrera who has played 71 games has a .327 Avg, .395 OBP, 16 HR, 53 RBIs, 45 runs, 20 doubles, 2 3b.
I'm fucking flabbergasted. I really don't understand the All

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