Hello everyone, and welcome to the only blog I will ever write about Paris Hilton. Personally, I think Paris Hilton is a pretty hot, mentally retarded person. Her eyes are crooked, and her voice beats nails on a chalk board. IMDB.com recently updated their news board, and there was an article about Paris Hilton responding to Fan Letters. The bitch has 23-hours a day to think about what she's done, and what's actually going on is she's getting praising letters from morons. I don't know, but if you want to write her a letter, you write to:
Inmate name and Booking Number
11705 S. Alameda St.
Lynwood, Ca. 90262
The name of the detention center (fancy name for jail) is Century Regional Detention Center, but I'm pretty sure you don't need that. I'm sure, though, that you could find her booking number online somewhere. Anyway, I've never really talked about Paris Hilton, mainly because I find her to be incredibly stupid. She may be hot, and the shit she's doing all in good "fun," but didn't she fuck Shannen Doherty's ex-husband on camera? Didn't she just release a bomb-album? I mean, for fucks-sake, money will let people do (and get away with) whatever the fuck they want. If I had money, I'd fly myself to a remote island (where there's internet access and a comic book store) and live out the rest of my days drinking mohitos and getting sand in my crotch. I'm honestly sick of hearing about the nonsensical bullshit that comes out of Lindsay Lohan/Paris Hilton's mouth. Their mouth's are gaping holes to filled with one thing only: a fat canoli. . .
This is why I respected the Osbourne kid who wanted nothing to with the TV show, and wanted them to blur out her face on TV. If I was a movie/musician/rich person's son I'd be somewhere where no one could find me.
1 comment:
Paris Hilton's booking number is on this page, of the Los Angeles County whatever-fuck-department. It's got a bunch of shit on there, that's fairly interesting.
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