Saturday, June 16, 2007

Idiots are Ruining America

So, ok. I don't have a problem with actual people that have mental or physical deformities. Don't get me wrong, I'm not that much of a prick. They just can't help it. Ok, that being said. I go to the stationary store the other day to cash in a lotto ticket. In the car next to me is a Spanish woman and her Spanish daughter, who must be in the 12-15 age range, who I later found out suffers from Down's Syndrome. Not cool. I don't have a problem with that, like I said...shit happens. But herein lies the problem. I get out to cash my winning lotto ticket (4 bucks!) and as I get out they get out too. They go in and as I'm trying to go in, this girl likes grabs the fucking door and it appears to be not letting me in. Weird, but whatever, I brush it off. I manage to pry the door open, and I'm standing there, looking at what I want to get with my amazing 4 bucks, and this girl comes over to me and starts GRABBING MY FUCKING WINNING LOTTO TICKET. Meanwhile, I'm like...what the fuck is going on. Hello, Spanish woman, where are you. She's too busy fucking cashing in fucking cheap ass ticket, and getting other. She finally notices that this girl is like grabbing for my ticket, and says "That's not ok" to which the daughter responds "Its ok, Its ok." Meanwhile I'm standing there like, please, for the love of god let me get my lottery tickets and get the fuck out of this place. So they leave to go to their piece of shit minivan, and I cash in my ticket and get some more and proceed to leave. The whole time I'm walking into my car, this girl is giving me the stare from hell and I'm thinking to myself, what better morals to instill in your disabled child than, "Hey, let's waste all of our money on lottery tickets!"

Hey, Spanish woman. I got news for you. Just die. She'd be better off in a group home. Some people just do not deserve

And that's not even the worse part of this story. My lottery tickets were both losers.

1 comment:

JD said...

I didn't laugh hard until I saw you lost on your two new lottery tickets. God was maming your luck that day my friend.