Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lawerence and Smith team up for "I am Legend" ...prequel.

It's sad to think of how good the book I Am Legend was - and how good the movie I Am Legend was, but the two things were remotely different in certain aspects. Will Smith playing the lead was kind of weird considering it was a white guy in the book. The book also ended differently than the movie.

I personally loved the book. It's not my favorite book ever (Catcher in the Rye) if you must know, but it was a good book. The movie, now, is being made into a prequel. The script is being penned by DB Weiss. The prequel will:

"chronicle the final days of humanity in New York before a man-made virus caused a plague that left Smith’s character the lone survivor among a mutated mob in the city."

I don't know if I can watch another Will Smith flick like this. The original flick was really, really enjoyable. It was sad, scary, and emotional, but this could just ruin it all.

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