Monday, September 29, 2008
Johansson & Reynolds tie the knot.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Good Riddance Shea. Good Riddance Mets from the 2008 Playoffs.
The Mets are OUT of the playoffs and the Brew-Crew is in.
I don't know who to route for...oh wait...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Paul Newman dead at the age of 83...
The man's health was in decline, I have to say, because he was cancelling appearances, and now you know why.
Friday, September 26, 2008
"Buffy" wants a new show.
Set in Gotham, "The Wonderful Maladys" ensembler revolves around the dysfunctional lives of three adult siblings who lost their parents at a young age.
The show is going to be on HBO (if it gets picked up and all that. I remember a show called..."Manchild" that didn't get picked up...starring K. Smith) and will be penned by the guy who penned The Life of David Gale and The Interpreter his name? Charles Randolph. Randolph had a failed attempt at a TV back in 2001, which ironically starred original-Buffy Kristy Swanson.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
National Treasure 3 going forward?
Do Not Disturb is the first casualty.
Hot Chick O' The Week #17

HCOTW Theron thinks The Hills is a piece of shit, and so do I!
Lawerence and Smith team up for "I am Legend" ...prequel.
I personally loved the book. It's not my favorite book ever (Catcher in the Rye) if you must know, but it was a good book. The movie, now, is being made into a prequel. The script is being penned by DB Weiss. The prequel will:
"chronicle the final days of humanity in New York before a man-made virus caused a plague that left Smith’s character the lone survivor among a mutated mob in the city."
I don't know if I can watch another Will Smith flick like this. The original flick was really, really enjoyable. It was sad, scary, and emotional, but this could just ruin it all.Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Clay Aiken comes out of the closet.
Clay Aiken is one of those gay people that you know is gay. I've got nothing against gay people, but you don't dress like that guy and say you're straight. And now...he's got a kid.
Fuck the heck!?
What Clay Aiken didn't realize is that in reality, not his little made up fantasy island of gay-puppeteers, people live in the 2008 - we're not stupid.
Tonight's premeire...The Mentalist
Friday, September 19, 2008
JD's Smallville Recap
The funniest thing about the show now is the opening credits.
Tom Welling is obviously billed first and in one caption he's sporting a pair of glasses and a suit, because he's going to be working for the Daily Planet. Chloe is second billed, Cassidy Freeman is in the opening credits (she'll be playing the new Lex "Tess Mercer") and Sam Witwer is also in the opening credits. Justin Hartley actually gets added to the credits, but Laura Vanderhoot is gone (she'll probably return).
The episode 8.1 called "Odyssey" is the first episode to feature the new creative team. It hasn't missed a beat. The show still owns a lot of different levels as far as characterization is concerned. It opens with Tess Mercer, she's the new baddie, shes calling the shots, because Lex is missing. They're were the Fortress was. In the middle of the arctic looking for Lex. Who shows up, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Aqua-dude (trying to find Clark Kent).
To fast forward, Chloe is being held in what's supposed to be DDS, but it turns out Lex is holding her against her will. She's got a new power, her brain is faster "than their fastest supercomputer" which is newly added to her powers of healing (which seem to be absent). Clark, we find out, is working in a Russian camp and getting the shit kicked out of him. Apparently the controlling Clark Kent turns out to be taking away his powers.
The Justice Group of Guys Dressed up in Silly Costumes decide they're still going to look for Clark because: "He wouldn't give up on us." They split up, the people holding Chloe make her without her knowledge find Canary and Aquaman and they get taken into Custody.
Clark is still in his Russian hide-away until Oliver comes to save his ass, but not before making it look good. They tussle before Clark asks: "What took you so long?" On the way back they realize where Chloe is being held and go to rescue her in some warehouse that LutherCorp now owns. Clark demands they split up, they do, Clark runs into Lois who is like "What the Eff, Smallville?" she tells Clark to stay behind her and her gun, and they're on the hunt for Chloe who has been made to find Green Arrow.
[Side story is that Lex developed a serum that makes people do whatever he/LutherCorp wants, based on Chloe's mom's powers...etc.]
Lois gets zapped, Clark knocks someone out. He goes to look for GA who has been taken over mentally by this serum now, and takes two Arrows to the chest. Clark goes down, Chloe tries to save him, but Clark is in flashback mode: seeing Lana, his parents, and his life go whizzing by) the last thing he sees is Martian Manhunter, who grabs him and flies the fuck out of there. He flies very near the sun...
When we come back Clark is sleeping on Barn's couch. Manhunter tosses him a football and Clark crushes it in his hands. He's back, but Manhunter has lost his powers because the sun has the reverse effect on him.
Tess Mercer gets a briefcase, inside said briefcase is a blue crystal shaped like the supes emblem.
Clark meets up with the Justice League Members on the corner of a side street - they're taking off in their own directions to stay safe.
Clark goes to the Daily Planet and is squeaking a chair to annoy Lois. And playing with a name plate. He breaks the news that he's the newest writer for the Daily Planet and walks out with a smile on his face. Lois picks up the name plate it reads "CLARK KENT"
That's my recap. I'm not very good at recaps as you can tell.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hot Chick O' The Week...#16

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Anders and McClure sign up for "Corn"
Monday, September 15, 2008
Zambrano with a No-No.
It's the first no-hitter by a Cub since 1972. Burt Hooton and Milt Pappas both pitched No-No's in 1972. Pappas had a bid at a perfect game too, but Bruce Froemming had it out for him (!!) and called two pitches, that Pappas swears were strikes (of course they were), balls. He's the only pitcher to lose a perfect game on a walk to the 27th Batter. And he's also got this to go on about:
On September 11, 1982, Pappas’s wife, Carole, disappeared after leaving the couple’s home in the Farnham subdivision in the Chicago suburb of Wheaton. A group of four men known as the Ripper Crew were believed to have killed Mrs. Pappas in a satanic ritual. In 1984, Tom Kokoraleis, who was convicted for the murder of Lorraine Borowski led police to a field where Carole Pappas was allegedly buried, but searchers could find no remains. [1]
For five years, no sign was found of her car, clothing, or body. In 1987, almost five years to the day Mrs. Pappas disappeared, workers draining a shallow pond only four blocks from the Pappas home discovered the car Mrs. Pappas had been driving, a white and burgundy 1980 Buick, as well as her body. A DuPage County Coroner's jury ruled the cause of death as drowning. Police theorized Pappas mistook a driveway near the pond for a road leading to her subdivision, vaulting 25-30 feet from the bank into the pond. Pappas, a recovering alcoholic, may have been drinking, however blood alcohol content could not be confirmed.'
Not only would this make the best made-for-tv flick evar but look at the bold:
Police theorized Pappas mistook a driveway near the pond for a road leading to her subdivision, vaulting 25-30 feet from the bank into the pond.
What the hell? How do you mistake your driveway? This is the problem with living in bumblefuck. You make a wrong turn and you end up dead at the bottom of a lake swimming with the fishies.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Will Smith is a Pharaoh....
No Sackhoff for "Nip/Tuck"; replaced by McGowan.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11 ...This is not funny, I apologize.
I am a Long Islander. I don't live there anymore, I lived in Nassau County for the majority of my life before moving to Bumfuckville, PA. I lived in New York (Long Island) until 2005, so I was there for the tragic events of September 11th, and I remember it all too clearly.
I was going to school at SUNY Farmingdale and I was in Psychology class when the class let out and everyone went their separate ways. That was the last time I ever went back to SUNY Farmingdale (I have since went to another college), so 9/11 was the straw that broke the camels back - so to speak - and it just piled on top of all the other shit that was going on at that time. Not to trivialize or anything, but 2001 was right after High School. Literally graduated in June and went right to College in September. It might sound normal for most people, but I hated High School. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of school and move on, but I should'nt have jumped into college like that, not me, and that will forever be my mistake.
Like anything else, I hopped into the car (at the time a 88 CSC) and turned on Don & Mike on WNEW. Honestly, having not heard anything, there was news on...No Don & Mike, no nothing. I went home, turned on the TV, and my parents were home and told me about the first tower. Immediately it was like a movie, slow motion, the news was like something out of a disaster flick. Albeit unnerving, but also surreal. I remember watching the news and seeing the plane hit the second tower. It shocked me, it put me in a point where I was scared. As you watched the events unfold, people were leaping out of the building on the top floors and falling to their deaths. It was crazy, absolutely crazy.
This was 7 years ago. Seven years. For the better part of a decade we've been in a war that has no end, because we wanted it, because someone came in and fucked the greatest city up. It's absolutely unbelievable to me that it took a disaster such as 9/11 to bring the world together, and it's sad actually. What's miraculous is that New York City took a fucking beating and it's still standing.
It is, by far, the worst thing that's ever happened in my life time. I hope that it stays that way. I can't imagine something worse than the day 9/11/2001. It literally changed all too much.
Hot Chick O The Week.
Elizabeth Banks has been floating around recently. She's done everything from Seabiscuit to Spider-Man to Scrubs ...she's going to play Laura Bush in Oliver Stone's biopic on our future-former President George Bush called W. What intrigues me about Banks is that she agreed to do Kevin Smith's new flick Zack and Miri Make a Porno which means, it must be good.

Monday, September 8, 2008
Nichols lands in "Tree Hill", Robinson gets "Lost"
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The "Watchmen" debacle.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hot Chick O' The Week!
She was also on Degrassi: The Next Generation a show, for the life of me, I just cannot get into.