Thursday, November 1, 2007

Greatest Rumor Ever.

This article here says in the byline "Mets need to sign A-Rod, trade Reyes for Santana" and I read this and my hatred for the Mets says "Yes! Do it!" But the sports fiend in me says ..."What the holy fuck are you babbling about?" The Mets do not need to sign A-Rod, and they most certainly should not trade Jose Reyes for Johan Santana. First of all, getting Santana on your team will pilfer your farm league or at least your up and coming guys. Lets say for the sake of argument that you do in fact want to trade for Santana and you're the Mets. You'd have to give up at least Lastings Milledge, Philip Humber and Mike Pelfrey. Now, none of these three are even remotely as good as Santana is. Milledge is a hot-head and has been the subject of trade rumors for the last three years. Humber started one game for the Mets and gave up 6 ER (earn runs) in 4 innings pitched. I mean, and don't get me started on Pelfrey. This cat is God Awful and belongs on the Royals pitching opposite Kyle Davies; and some people will say that he never got any run support...but listen he gave up at least an ER in every game he appeared in. Not only that, but he lost 7 games in a fucking row! Jesus! He also gave up 85 hits in 72.2 IP and had an ERA hovering around 6.00! Maybe he should go to an American League team!

The best option for Santana right now would be to hold off on waiving that No Trade Clause, because right now he's looking at the Yankees, Phillies and Mets. Phillies, personally, need this guy desperately. And I think they'll be willing to give Santana a contract worthy of the kind of pitcher he is.

The first part of the article had the Mets signing Alex Rodriguez. And to this I say no. I don't think so. First of all the guy wants a 10 year contract worth like $300 gazillion dollars. Secondly, this article says The Mets need this to win the series (by this I mean both Santana and A-Rod) and let me just clue you in on something rather interesting...Neither Santana or A-Rod have rings; and neither play remarkably well in the post

this rumor sucks balls,


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