First of all fuck you to you ass-hats who spray painted a swastika on the "Obama/Biden" sign in front of a Knights of Columbus and spray painted "Commies" on the side of the building. Fuck them, because rural Pennsylvanians are retarded and creepy and ignorant. People wonder why my hatred runs so deep with this state, and it's because of the ignorant shit that flows from the inbred asshole mouths of the population in rural Pennsylvania.
But you know what, Pittsburgh and Philly, you guys rock. You guys went out and voted and you got it done. Erie, you got it done too.
But fuck the hateful people who stood by and made their bogus accusations about Barack Obama being a terrorist and setting us up; and not an accusation, but what does it matter that he's a black man? Yeah, he's black, so what? It's time for a change, and that change is coming. I would say, and hope, that someday people won't see color and race and just see a person standing in front of them. I know this is asking for a lot, but some day I hope this is something that will come through.
Also, Fuck the people who said they were choosing the lesser of two evils.
but enough about fucking idiots...
Barack Obama won the presidency tonight, and for once in my life, something historically good has come out of America in my life time. The first African American President. It's something, with our country the way it is, I never thought I'd see, but a lot of the country California, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland...they pulled through. Thank God for that. For once, I sincerely mean, God Bless America.

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