Sunday, March 2, 2008


Firstly the Marc and JD Radio Show makes it's debut on tomorrow night at 10pm EST. If you're a fan, come out and show your support.

Thank you.

Secondly, the Metropolitans are making shit WAY too easy for good ol' JD here. I mean, Ryan Church and Marlon Anderson collided today! Haha! This stuff is so good, it kind of just flows off the keyboard. I don't even have to type it.

Okay, so I do have to type it. Whatever. Ryan Church sustained a concussion and apparently doesn't remember "Anything about Anything" (Thanks Willie) and Marlon Anderson suffered a bruised ego...err...chest.


1 comment:

Bryan said...

You're changing radio hosts again?
I will have to tune in.. This is TONIGHT at 10, right?